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Tennessee Wind Activities

Buffalo Mountain near Oak Ridge, Tennessee. PIX15355

Buffalo Mountain near Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Search for more wind-related photos in the National Renewable Energy Laboratory PIX database.

Tennessee wind resource map.

This Tennessee wind map shows the wind resource at an 80-m height.

This page summarizes wind activities in Tennessee.

Wind Working Group

State Wind Working Groups form strategic alliances to communicate wind's benefits and challenges to state stakeholders.

Anemometer Loan Program

Anemometer data can help businesses, farmers, homeowners, and municipalities determine whether there is enough wind energy at a site to make a wind turbine investment economically feasible. Such data can also aid windfarm developers in determining whether an area is suitable for developing a large, utility-scale wind plant.

80-Meter Wind Map

The wind map can be used as a guide to identify regions for commercial wind development.

Small Wind Consumer's Guide

This guide provides consumers with information to help them determine whether a small wind electric system can provide all or a portion of the energy they need for their home or business based on their wind resource, energy needs, and economics.

More Wind Activities in Tennessee


Links to websites such as state programs.


Lists upcoming events.

Past Events

List of Wind Powering America-related past events.

News and Publications

Total of 5 records found.
Page 1 of 1, Sorted by descending date
Filtered by: State

Date sort by ascending date sort by descending date State sort by ascending state sort by descending state Type of Information Program Area Title sort by ascending title sort by descending title
12/6/2011 TN Publication
Small Wind
Will Wind Energy Work for Me? [..More]
6/30/2009 TN Publication
Small Wind
Small Wind Electric Systems: A Guide Produced for the Tennessee Valley Authority [..More]
3/31/2009 TN Publication
Econ. Dev.
Economic Benefits, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions Reductions, and Water Conservation Benefits from 1,000 Megawatts (MW) of New Wind Power in Tennessee [..More]
12/31/2007 TN Video
The Texas Experience from Turbine to Market [..More]
2/19/2006 TN News
Group erects anemometer in Jonesborough to kick off expo [..More]