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Republican Moderates Urge Democrats, President To Make Climate Change A Top Environmental Issue

 "Climate change is real, it is happening, and human activities are contributing to it. There is little question that increasing earth surface temperatures and increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have real and potential impact on rising sea levels, changes in agricultural patterns, or changes in distribution of disease. Left unchecked, climate change will have profound effects on the security, economy, environment and health in our nation and around the world. Considering the United States contributes 25 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, we can no longer delay in implementing policies to address the effects of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We call on the President and on Congressional leaders to face climate change head on and develop concrete solutions."

Representatives Mike Castle (R-DE); Judy Biggert (R-IL-13th);Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD-1st ); Christopher Shays (R-CT-4th); Mark Kirk (R-IL-10th); Jim Saxton (R-NJ-3rd); Tom Petri (R-WI-6th); and Jim Ramstad (R-MN-3rd)