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    • Bobcat  •  10 hours ago
      These types of officers arent in it to take everyone to jail or to let them die ,some are in this line of work to actually help the citizens of their community ....
      • Steve S 5 hours ago
        The good cops are very good. The bad cops are very bad.
    • tambor  •  9 hours ago
      Thanks Kevin. I am one of those who made it back.
    • Michael  •  10 hours ago
      Kevin and his fellows are the heros, I salute you
      • ddss 4 hours ago
        Well said.
    • David  •  10 hours ago
      It's amazing to see that he made that kind of difference in someone's life. He obviously has a big heart. This is a man that makes a difference in this world
    • teddy  •  8 hours ago
      My father was in theCalifornia Hwy Patrol and was a motorcycle cop on the Golden Gate Bridge and saved many a jumper. He later was at the San Leandro Office. I remember as a kid my father would come home in the middle of the night and grab our blankets and sheets and coats to give to people in need that he ran across. He even brought a chicken home in the back of the patrol car once as it had been left on the freeway. Those were really the good old days when police would serve the population. My dad had a big heart.
    • Cynthia  •  1 day 1 hour ago
      What a fine piece! So proud of all who produced.
    • Squeezer  •  10 hours ago
      It must be a VERY empty, lonely feeling when one is faced with ending their own life. This is compassion at it's best!
    • poppie  •  10 hours ago
      thats good work god bless you for saving so many lives
    • z  •  10 hours ago
      Tears in my eyes. What a heartfelt piece. What a triumph for the human condition. God bless Kevin Briggs and all those who truly, from their hearts, try to make a difference. BTW Outstanding production as well!!
    • Me  •  9 hours ago
      Powerful piece.
    • David  •  10 hours ago
      I have a friend that took his own life last October in Michigan. I wish there was someone like Officer Briggs around before he took his own life
    • Kyle  •  10 hours ago
      Nice production
    • Cody  •  10 hours ago
      That man is amazing.
    • Chrisd18xx  •  10 hours ago
      Everyone saying "just let them jump", what if they were one of your loved ones? You wouldn't be saying that. Grow up.
    • George  •  10 hours ago
      Good people doing good things. More news like this please.
    • Jhamal  •  1 day 5 hours ago
      Brilliant! My former colleagues did an amazing job!
    • matt  •  8 hours ago
      Wow, Finally a good news article! Just makes ya feel all good inside doesn't it? All the scamming and race bait, political bigotry, murder, and general poo just drains a person. It is amazing how just one lil story can uplift you so much. I know there is horrible thing happening in the world and it need to be reported , Or some does, but there has to be more stories than you report on that are like this!
    • Chivo  •  7 hours ago
      After reading about the Idiots on the Subway in NYC that allowed that poor man to die made me want to vomit.
      Kevin I'm sure God is blessing your life right now and the best is yet to come.
    • gix  •  10 hours ago
      Kudos to this Police Officer!
    • Art  •  9 hours ago
      Humanity at its finest! Thanks Kevin for being THAT guy! So bloody awesome!