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Virginia Department of Health

Investigation of Meningitis and Stroke after Spinal Injections

Virginia Department of Health is working with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention and other states on a multi-state investigation of meningitis and strokes in patients who received spinal injections. For the week beginning December 3, 2012, VDH is reporting 51 cases (48 Virginia residents and 3 West Virginia residents) with a clinical presentation consistent with fungal infection, which includes 2 fatal cases. Additional suspect cases are being investigated and the number of cases in Virginia will be updated as more information becomes available. If you have questions or concerns that you may be experiencing illness after receiving a spinal injection, please contact your health care provider. Clinical guidance for Virginia is available here and information on national cases is available by visiting the CDC,

Health Bites

Introducing Health Bites

Health Bites is an interactive online nutrition education tool designed to help you and your family enjoy healthier lives. The interactive website provides fun, informative videos on nutrition and ideas on simple and healthy recipes. If you are a WIC participant, the site will allow you to complete modules, to receive nutrition education credit for WIC. Visit to have a world of nutrition and health information at your fingertips!


Advance Health Care Directive Registry

Without advanced planning, medical care decisions are often left to family members when a loved one becomes incapacitated and unable to speak for themselves. The Advance Health Care Directive Registry relieves loved ones of that burden and ensures that those loved ones, as well as doctors, know a person’s wishes and whom they want making medical decisions for them.  There is no cost to users or to taxpayers for this service. Learn more and register here
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snow covered car

Are you ready for winter weather?

Winter Preparedness Week, December 2–8, 2012

To encourage everyone to get ready for cold weather, Winter Preparedness Week runs December 2-8, 2012. Take this time to prepare before a winter emergency hits to reduce the risk of weather-related health problems and injuries. Learn more about preparing yourself and loved ones for winter weather here.
National Influenza Vaccination Week

December 2 - 8, 2012 is National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW)

NIVW highlights the importance of continuing flu vaccination throughout the season.  Flu activity usuallypeaks in February in the United States, and can last as late as May.  As long as flu viruses are circulating, it’s not too late to get vaccinated.  Getting vaccinated now helps protect family and friends as they gather for the holidays.

A yearly flu vaccine for everyone 6 months of age and older is the most important step in protecting against flu disease.  Flu vaccination is especially important for individuals who are at higher risk for complications from the flu, including but not limited to:

  • adults 65 years of age and older;
  • children younger than 5 years of age, but especially children younger than 2 years old;
  • pregnant women;
  • and people with chronic health conditions, such as asthma, diabetes (type 1 and 2), heart disease, morbid obesity, neurological and certain other long-term medical conditions, even if these are well managed.

Protect yourself and your loved ones from getting sick this season.  For more information on the flu and to find a vaccination location near you click here.

Thanksgiving turkey

Food Safety During the Holidays

Each year, the Center for Disease Control estimates that one out of six Americans gets sick by consuming contaminated foods or beverages. In Virginia, the most frequently reported gastrointestinal diseases include bacterial infections such as salmonellosis and campylobacteriosis, and giardiasis, a parasitic disease.  In addition, norovirus is one of the most frequently reported causes of gastrointestinal outbreaks. Typical symptoms of foodborne illness are vomiting, diarrhea, and flu-like symptoms, which can start anywhere from hours to days after contaminated food or drinks are consumed. Learn more about the most effective ways to help keep your family safe from foodborne illnesses. Learn more>>

National Handwashing Awareness Week, December 2-8, 2012.

The Virginia Department of Health is reminding you to wash your hands!  December 2-8, 2012 is National Handwashing Awareness Week and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), keeping our hands clean is single most important thing we can do to keep from getting sick and spreading illness to others. For brochures, posters, and presentations about proper hand washing, please visit the healthcare-associated infections (HAI) webpage, Tools to demonstrate proper hand hygiene practices among children is also available by visiting:

Clean Hands Save Lives!

Additional resources are available:

Change to Executive Order 85 - Virginia Workforce Network for Jobs
Use of the Virginia Workforce Network for Jobs Resulting from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and Those Being Recruited by Virginia State Agencies. It directs all state agencies, contractors and sub-recipients to use the Virginia Workforce Connection (VWC) for the recruitment of direct jobs created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and for jobs in all state agencies, regardless of funding source. To read the Executive Order please click here.
Virginia Health Information
'Virginia Health Information' is a resource for patients and consumers looking to learn about and compare options on everything from obstetrical services, to heart care, to pricing information on commonly performed medical procedures. Virginians can use VHI information to make informed health care purchasing decisions and as the basis for an informed conversation with their health care providers. Learn more>>

Last Updated: 12-05-2012

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