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Reaction of U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert to State of the Union Address

       Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13) tonight issued the following statement regarding President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address:
       “Tonight, hardworking taxpayers wanted to hear how the President is going to roll up his sleeves, reach across the aisle, and work with Congress to create jobs now.  Unfortunately, he seemed more focused on testing out campaign themes for his reelection, with great goals and no specifics.  I don’t think that will satisfy Americans who are fed up with the games and the lack of leadership in Washington.  People can see clearly where we are after three years, and they want a change in direction.
       “Still, I walked away with hope for progress on several key issues, specifically the payroll tax cut extension, lowering the corporate tax rate, and a renewed focus on global U.S. competitiveness through scientific innovation.  I also agree strongly with the need to develop a broad range of domestic energy sources to liberate our economy from dependence on volatile sources of foreign energy.  These are areas where the President sent a strong message, and I look forward to working with him.
       “Unfortunately, his vision on spending and tax reform lacked credibility.  In his first State of the Union, the President promised to slash the deficit in half, but the last three deficits were the largest in history, and our debt has now outgrown the entire U.S. economy.  Today, he asked for a broad array of new spending priorities and higher taxes to pay for it.  If fairness is the goal, then we can’t just raise taxes on job creators.  We need to generate revenue through growth by simplifying the tax code, closing loopholes, and giving taxpayers the financial certainty they need to plan for the future.  We also need to end the regulatory nightmare of uncertainty and red tape that is paralyzing job creators.  These goals are all part of House-passed jobs bills that are still awaiting action by the President and the Senate.
       "The President was right when he said we need an American economy that works for everyone.  But the policies and rhetoric of the last three years haven’t worked for anyone, and I’m disappointed that tonight we didn’t see something new from the White House.”
