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Biggert Statement on Congresswoman Giffords

Willowbrook, IL – U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13) today issued the following statement in response to reports that Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and several others had been shot during a public meeting with constituents at a Tucson grocery store:

“This is a shocking tragedy.  Gabrielle is an amazing woman, a talented legislator, and a wonderful human being.  I have had the privilege of working with her closely on the Science and Technology Committee, and have always admired her passion and intelligence.  My thoughts and prayers are with Gabrielle, her husband Mark, and all the loved ones of those who were attacked in this senseless shooting.

“As someone who also hosts traveling office hours, my hope is that this tragedy does not take away the time-honored traditions of our democracy.  We cannot allow this horrible act of violence to prevent Americans from freely interacting with their representatives in Congress and expressing their views.”
