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Biggert Gives a Jolt to Local Advanced Energy R&D: New Bill Supports Argonne Work on High-Tech Vehicle Power Systems

           Lemont, IL – U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13) today announced an exciting development for local scientists and engineers working on high-tech battery technology.  Under a recently-passed House measure, H.R. 3326, providing fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Department of Defense (DOD), Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois would receive $5 million requested by Biggert for basic and applied research, development, and engineering of advanced energy storage systems likely to power the next generation of military, hybrid, and plug-in hybrid electrical vehicles.  The bill passed the House by a vote of 400 to 30 on and now heads to the Senate for consideration.
           “Thanks to the hard work of talented scientists right here at Argonne, America is leading the world in advanced, renewable energy technologies,” said Biggert, a senior member of the House Science and Technology Committee.  “These funds will help maintain that competitive edge, and position Illinois to be a manufacturing and development hub for tomorrow’s cutting-edge, green products.”
           The project, conducted in coordination with the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville (KY), will allow Argonne researchers to work toward breakthroughs in new battery materials and electro-chemistry for both mobile and stationary applications.  These include the development of more powerful lithium-ion batteries as well as new transformational technologies designed to dramatically improve the efficiency and reliability of renewable energy storage and electrically-powered vehicles.
           “The advanced energy solutions being developed right here in our community promise to play a critical role in securing our nation’s energy independence and environmental future,” said Biggert, Co-Chair of the House R&D Caucus.  “I’m proud to support these efforts.  Promoting the development, commercialization, and manufacture of these technologies, especially in the automotive sector, is great way to stimulate economic development with an eye towards long-term goals like reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”
           Argonne is the Department of Energy’s top laboratory for applied battery R&D, and is recognized across industry as a leader in the development, test, and evaluation of new materials and processes for advanced batteries. 

