Public Resources

Law in Society Competition

Additional Info


Display these posters on your bulletin boards, or hand out to students.

11" x 17" poster (PDF)

8.5" x 11" poster (PDF)

This ad may be placed in your printed or electronic newsletter or communications.

3" x 3" ad (PDF)

2013 Schedule:

The entry deadline is Wednesday, FEBRUARY 13, 2013.

Electronic submissions are preferred. Please do not duplicate your entries by e-mailing and sending hard copies.
Complete entry directions and PDF form

Please read the entry directions carefully. Incomplete entry forms could result in a delay entering your essays by the deadline.

What is the Law In Society Competition?

The Law in Society competition is sponsored by the Virginia State Bar and its Litigation Section in cooperation with the Virginia State Department of Education to increase awareness and appreciation of our legal system among high-school students. The criterion for the competition is an essay in response to a hypothetical on a predetermined topic. Awards go to students whose essays best demonstrate a superior understanding of the role and value of our legal system in our everyday lives.

A panel of volunteers from the Virginia State Bar and teachers and administrators throughout the commonwealth will judge all entries.

Prize Amounts

1st Place $2,300 cash
2nd Place $1,850 cash
3rd Place $1,350 cash
Honorable Mentions (5) $250 cash

All winners will receive a current hardback copy of Strunk & White's Elements of Style.

Awards will be presented in May at the winners’ schools.

The first place winner’s essay will be published on the VSB website.

Updated: Dec 05, 2012