
Recent changes are marked in bold.

Jesper KONGSTAD, Director General, Danish Patent and Trademark Office (DK)

Deputy Chairman
Mr Josef KRATOCHVÍL, President, Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic (CZ)

Member states
AL (GIF) AL Shqipëria it.gif IT Italia
at.gif AT Österreich li.gif LI Liechtenstein
be.gif BE Belgique / Bëlgie lt.gif
LT Lietuva
bg.gif BG Bălgarija lu.gif
LU Luxembourg
ch.gif CH Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera lv.gif
LV Latvija
cy.gif CY Kýpros mc.gif
MC Monaco
cz.gif CZ Česká Republika mk.gif MK Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
de.gif DE Deutschland mt.gif MT Malta
dk.gif DK Danmark nl.gif NL Nederland
ee.gif EE Eesti NO.gif NO Norge
es.gif ES España pl.gif PL Polska
fi.gif FI Suomi / Finland pt.gif PT Portugal
fr.gif FR France ro.gif RO România
gb.gif GB United Kingdom Serbian flag (GIF)
gr.gif GR Elláda se.gif SE Sverige
HR.gif HR Hrvatska si.gif SI Slovenija
hu.gif HU Magyarország sk.gif SK Slovenská Republika
ie.gif IE Ireland / Éire sm.gif SM San Marino
is.gif IS Ísland tr.gif TR Türkiye

AL (GIF) AL: Albania

Industrial Property Office

Mr Elvin LAKO, General Director
General Directorate of Patents and Trademarks

Alternate Representative:

Ms Elvanda MECE, Director of Examination Coordination and Training
General Directorate of Patents and Trademarks

Top of pageat.gif AT: Austria

Industrial Property Office

Frau Mariana KAREPOVA, Präsidentin
Österreichisches Patentamt

Alternate Representative:
Frau Andrea SCHEICHL, Vizepräsidentin
Österreichisches Patentamt

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be.gif BE: Belgium

Industrial Property Office

M. Jérôme DEBRULLE, Conseiller général
Office de la Propriété Intellectuelle, Service Public Fédéral Economie, P.M.E., Classes moyennes et Energie

Alternate Representative:
M. Geoffrey BAILLEUX, Conseiller
Office de la Propriété Intellectuelle, Service Public Fédéral Economie, P.M.E., Classes moyennes et Energie

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bg.gif BG: Bulgaria

Industrial Property Office

Mr Petko NIKOLOV, President
Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria

Alternate Representative:
Ms Olya DIMITROVA, Director, Inventions and Industrial Designs Directorate
Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria

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ch.gif CH: Switzerland

Industrial Property Office

Herr Roland GROSSENBACHER, Vertreter der Schweiz im Verwaltungsrat der EPO
Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum

Alternate Representative:
Herr Alban FISCHER, Vizedirektor und Leiter der Patentabteilung
Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum

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cy.gif CY: Cyprus

Industrial Property Office

Mr Spyros KOKKINOS, Registrar of Companies & Official Receiver
Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry & Tourism

Alternate Representative:
Ms Stalo PAPAIOANNOU, Senior Officer of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver
Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry & Tourism

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cz.gif CZ: Czech Republic

Industrial Property Office

Mr Josef KRATOCHVÍL, President
Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic

Alternate Representative:
Ms Svĕtlana KOPECKÁ, Director of the International Department
Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic

Top of page

de.gif DE: Germany

Industrial Property Office

Herr Christoph ERNST, Ministerialdirigent
Bundesministerium der Justiz

Alternate Representative:
Frau Cornelia RUDLOFF-SCHÄFFER, Präsidentin
Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

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dk.gif DK: Denmark

Industrial Property Office

Mr Jesper KONGSTAD, Director General
Danish Patent and Trademark Office

Alternate Representative:
Ms Anne REJNHOLD JØRGENSEN, Director, Policy & Legal Affairs
Danish Patent and Trademark Office

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ee.gif EE: Estonia

Industrial Property Office

Mr Margus VIHER, Director General
Estonian Patent Office

Alternate Representative:
Ms Elle MARDO, Head of the Patent Department
Estonian Patent Office

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es.gif ES: Spain

Industrial Property Office

Ms Patricia GARCÍA-ESCUDERO MÁRQUEZ, Director General
Spanish Patent and Trademark Office

Alternate Representative:
Mr Pedro CARTAGENA ABELLA, Senior Adviser
Spanish Patent and Trademark Office

Top of page

fi.gif FI: Finland

Industrial Property Office

Ms Rauni HAGMAN, Director General
Finnish Patent and Registration Office

Alternate Representative:
Mr Jorma HANSKI, Director, Patents and Innovations Line
Finnish Patent and Registration Office

Top of page

fr.gif FR: France

Industrial Property Office

M. Jean-Marc LE PARCO, Directeur général délégué
Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle

Alternate Representative:
M. Philippe CADRE, Directeur de la propriété industrielle
Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle (INPI)

Top of page

gb.gif GB: United Kingdom

Intellectual Property Office

Mr Sean DENNEHEY, Acting Chief Executive
Intellectual Property Office

Alternate Representative:
Ms Liz COLEMAN, Divisional Director, Patents Directorate
Intellectual Property Office

Top of page

gr.gif GR: Greece

Industrial Property Office

Mr Ioannis KAPLANIS, Director General
Industrial Property Organisation (OBI)

Alternate Representative:
Mr Ioannis BOUMPARIS, Deputy Director General
Industrial Property Organisation (OBI)

Top of page

HR.gif HR: Republika Hrvatska

Industrial Property Office

Ms Ljiljana KUTEROVAC, Director General
State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia

Alternate Representative:
Ms Ana Rački MARINKOVIĆ, Deputy Director General
State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia

Top of page

hu.gif HU: Hungary

Industrial Property Office


Alternate Representative:

Top of page

ie.gif IE: Ireland

Industrial Property Office

Mr Gerard BARRETT, Controller
Irish Patents Office

Alternate Representative:

Top of page

is.gif IS: Iceland

Industrial Property Office

Ms Borghildur ERLINGSDÓTTIR, Director General
Icelandic Patent Office

Alternate Representative:
Ms Elfa Íshólm ÓLAFSDÓTTIR, Head of Finance and Operation Division
Icelandic Patent Office

Top of page

it.gif IT: Italy

Industrial Property Office

Mr Mauro MASI, Delegate for Intellectual Property
Directorate General for Global Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate Representative:
Mme Loredana GULINO, Director General
General Directorate for the fight against counterfeiting - Italian Office for Patents and Trademarks
Ministry for Economic Development

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li.gif LI: Liechtenstein

Industrial Property Library

Frau Isabel FROMMELT-GOTTSCHALD, Amtsleiter-Stellvertreterin
Amt für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten

Alternate Representative:
Frau Esther SCHINDLER, Diplomatische Mitarbeiterin
Amt für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten

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lt.gif LT: Lithuania

Industrial Property Office

Mr Arūnas ŽELVYS, Director
State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania

Alternate Representative:
Mr Žilvinas DANYS, Deputy Director
State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania

Top of page

lu.gif LU: Luxembourg

Industrial Property Office

M. Lex KAUFHOLD, Conseiller de direction 1ère classe
Chargé de direction, Office de la propriété intellectuelle
Ministère de l’Economie et du Commerce extérieur

Alternate Representative:
M. Claude SAHL, Chef du secteur "Législation"
Office de la propriété intellectuelle
Ministère de l’Economie et du Commerce extérieur

Top of page

lv.gif LV: Latvia

Industrial Property Office

Mr Sandris LAGANOVSKIS, Director
Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia

Alternate Representative:
Mr Guntis RAMĀNS, Director of the Department of Examination of Inventions
Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia

Top of page

mc.gif MC: Monaco

M. Thomas LANTHEAUME, Directeur Adjoint
Direction de l'Expansion Economique

Alternate Representative:
M. Jean-Pierre SANTOS, Chef de Division, Division de la Propriété Intellectuelle
Direction de l'Expansion Economique

Top of page

mk.gif MK: Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Industrial Property Office

Mr Safet EMRULI, Director
State Office of Industrial Property

Alternate Representative:
Mr Jetmir SHABANI, Head of Patent Section
State Office of Industrial Property

Top of page

mt.gif MT: Malta

Industrial Property Office

Mr Godwin WARR, Director General Commerce Department, Comptroller of Industrial Property
Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business

Alternate Representative:
Ms Michelle BONELLO, Director Industrial Property Registrations, Commerce Department
Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business

Top of page

nl.gif NL: Netherlands

Industrial Property Office

Mr Derk-Jan DE GROOT, Director
Netherlands Patent Office

Alternate Representative:
Mr Paul VAN BEUKERING, Unit Manager
Ministry of Economic Affairs

Top of page

NO.gif NO:Norge

Industrial Property Office

Mr Per A. FOSS, Director General
Norwegian Industrial Property Office

Alternate Representative:
Mr Jostein SANDVIK, Director, Legal and International Affairs
Norwegian Industrial Property Office

Top of page

pl.gif PL: Poland

Industrial Property Office

Ms Alicja ADAMCZAK, President
Patent Office of the Republic of Poland

Alternate Representative:
Ms Ewa NIZIŃSKA MATYSIAK, Director of the Cabinet of the President
Patent Office of the Republic of Poland

Top of page

pt.gif PT: Portugal

Industrial Property Office

Mme Maria Leonor MENDES DA TRINDADE, President of the Directive Council
National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI)

Alternate Representative:
Mr Marco DINIS, Member of the Directive Council
National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI)

Top of page

ro.gif RO: Romania

Industrial Property Office

Ms Bucura IONESCU, Director General
State Office for Inventions and Trademarks

Alternate Representative:
Mr Bogdan GEAVELA, Expert, International Cooperation Bureau
State Office for Inventions and Trademarks

Top of page

Serbian flag (GIF) RS: Serbia

Industrial Property Office

Mr Vladimir MARIĆ, Acting Director
Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia

Alternate Representative:
Ms Mirjana JELIĆ, Assistant Director of the Patent Sector
Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia

Top of page

se.gif SE: Sweden

Industrial Property Office

Ms Susanne ǺS SIVBORG, Director General
Swedish Patent and Registration Office

Alternate Representative:
Ms Karin BERGH, Chief Legal Counsel
Swedish Patent and Registration Office

Top of page

si.gif SI: Slovenia

Industrial Property Office

Mr Vojko TOMAN, Director
Slovenian Intellectual Property Office

Alternate Representative:
Ms Helena ZALAZNIK, Head of Patent Department
Slovenian Intellectual Property Office

Top of page

sk.gif SK: Slovakia

Industrial Property Office

Mr Richard MESSINGER, President
Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic

Alternate Representative:
Ms Lukrécia MARČOKOVÁ, Directress, Patent Department
Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic

Top of page

sm.gif SM: San Marino

Ms Silvia ROSSI, Director
State Office for Patents and Trademarks

Alternate Representative:
M. Bruno CINQUANTINI, Advisor
Secretariat of State for Industry, Handcraft and Commerce
State Office for Patents and Trademarks

Top of page

tr.gif TR: Turkey

Industrial Property Office

Mr Habip ASAN, President
Turkish Patent Institute

Alternate Representative:
Mr Ibrahim YAŞAR, Vice President
Turkish Patent Institute

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