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Write-Offs: 11.05.13

$$$ Exclusive: EU to fine Deutsche, JPMorgan and others in rate probe – source [Reuters]

$$$ ECB Faces Heat Over Low Inflation [WSJ]

$$$ Apollo Said to Seek Increasing Fund Size to $17.5 Billion [Bloomberg]

$$$ Proposed Rule Limits Size of Commodities Traders’ Positions [Dealbook]

$$$ Toronto Mayor Rob Ford said on Tuesday that he has smoked crack cocaine, confirming reports that have dogged the leader of Canada’s largest city for months but not likely ending the headline-grabbing saga. Mr. Ford apologized for his actions at a news conference, but said he wouldn’t resign. He earlier told reporters that he smoked the drug “about” a year ago when he was “in one of my drunken stupors.” …as Mr. Ford was making his admission on Tuesday, his brother was comparing the intense scrutiny he has received to that of the late Princess Diana during a speech at a local journalism school, students said over the messaging service Twitter. [WSJ] Read more »

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In case you had forgotten, Steve Cohen owns a small slice of the New York Mets. And like Bobby Bonilla, Mo Vaughn and Oliver Perez before him, the team may be stuck with Cohen, reports the Times. Read more »

The outspoken, flaxen-maned regulator is not going to be chairman of the CFTC. So, with this, he’s achieved all he will achieve, and will take his bows, depriving the financial world of a second hirsute overseer in as many days. Read more »

As you may have heard, yesterday SAC Capital agreed to plead guilty to insider trading and pay a $1.2 billion fine (on top of the $600+ million it already paid) in order to make a federal investigation go away. The deal has been yet to be approved by a judge, and though there is not reason to believe it won’t be, it’s always possible things could fall through. For instance, Richard J. Sullivan might think Cohen should pay a fine greater than this year’s take-home. He might want to force Cohen to wear a poster board that says “Loads of people have insider traded on my watch” in giant letters and walk up and down the streets of Greenwich, CT. He might take issue with the lack of fine print dictating that Cohen must obtain permission from Preet Bharara to use the little boy’s room. He might want to ratchet up the punishment in any of these ways; in the event he does, Cohen will have a choice between agreeing to strapping on the sandwich board or saying no dice. Read more »

The Big Guy probably won’t have to ask his friends to loan him the scratch to pay that fine. Read more »

Breaking Media will hold a tele-press conference on the continuing negotiations between the Department of Justice and J.P. Morgan around legal liabilities related to J. P. Morgan’s acquisition of Washington Mutual. The event, which begins on Wednesday, November 6 at 11am, will feature renowned experts on housing and mortgage finance.

WHO: Josh Rosner, Managing Director, Graham Fisher & Co.
Ricardo Byrd, National Association of Neighborhoods

WHAT: Tele-press conference on tentative $13 billion settlement between Justice Department and JP Morgan

WHERE: [+1-415-655-0001/198 108 262]

WHEN: 11am EST, Wednesday, Nov. 6

RSVP: Click here

It appears, however, to be failing to turn. Or veering in the wrong direction. Read more »

They may be rogue bums but they’re SAC’s rogue bums. Read more »