This is Small Business America

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Published on Nov 30, 2012 by

House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) released "This is Small Business America," a video highlighting the small business S corporations like Gorski Engineering and its 17 employees whose taxes stand to increase if President Obama's tax hike goes into effect.

November 30, 2012 | Office of the Majority Whip


News & Politics


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  • It was Democrats who caused the housing bubble by forcing banks to lend to unqualified buyers. They used the govt to guarantee these bad loans, crying racism when Republicans called for more oversight of Freddie and Fannie. Look it up on YouTube. All these new buyers increased demand and drove up prices. But it was based on fraud. These buyers couldn't pay. Eventually, this came to a head, and that's what caused the collapse. Too bad the media is controlled by leftists or you'd know that.

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  • Boo hoo. My taxes rates will go up 3% - 4.6%. What a bunch of ignorant propaganda.

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  • Tax more, to spend more....AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. A country can not sustain itself if it spends more than it gains. We need drastic changes in the way America and its government thinks.

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  • Apologies; I misread that. Didn't realize you were responding to a comment. Sorry for the offense; I've been a little quick to react since the election.

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  • Boehner wants to kick real conservatives off committees? -- I am DONE with the Republican Party as of TODAY. Not one more DIME to your causes. I am joining the TEA PARTY and if someone tells me, "I'm throwing away my vote"? My response - My vote was already thrown away. If more do as I, then the Republican party will be history and we'll be on the way to real change.

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  • You are way out in left field. You have no idea what you are talking about in reference to my comments.

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  • In this fiscal debate, "revenue" is a fancy word for tax - the government's tax receipts are their revenues.

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  • Any and all taxes are a drain on the economy. The more you tax something, the less you get of it. We don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. The problem is the more revenue the government receives, the more they spend. How much is enough? It seems the governments insatiable appetite can never be satisfied....

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  • No idiot Republicans reduced the restrictions on the banks and who they loaned to. The republican strategy: Fuck up and blame the democrats

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  • I own my own business. That is why I know all the crap you guys are talking about is BS or you guys are just terrible business owners. Your arguments to defend people making over $250,000 who are 2% of the US population is just ridiculous. I am no liberal. I work off of facts. Facts and history proves that higher marginal tax rates on the wealthy is not the end of the world. As a matter of fact when the top marginal tax rates were 50% or higher the average growth in GDP has been better.

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  • alright well when you operate a small business as I do and have to pay taxes, just see how it works out for you. Until then, enjoy being a selfish naive liberal, who wants the rich to pay for all your problems.......It's just like the poor people in the cities who keep voting in liberal mayors and never see improvement.

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  • No one gets taxed on revenues. Your arguments are uninformed and laughable .

    P.S. Double facepalm

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