Ontario Liberals break teachers as a warning to other unions

Scott Stinson: Laurel Broten had to show the Liberals could be taken seriously, as they still have contracts to work out with thousands of public-sector workers

Spence rebuffs Atleo as AFN issues 'urgent' invitation to PM in bid to calm Idle No More unrest

Spence’s spokespeople said in a written statement that the situation 'is becoming more volatile' with each passing day that Harper doesn’t meet with the chief

How did we get to Attawapiskat? Go back to the 1905 James Bay Treaty

Jonathan Kay: The basic problem is these hunter-gatherer communities weren’t intended to become static settlements surviving as government-funded welfare states

Why Canada’s world junior loss to U.S. should not come as a shock

Cam Cole: How come we still cling to the notion that when push comes to shove, our players will be able to summon up qualities no other country’s players have

Forty cars damaged in crashes as ice causes chaos on B.C.'s multi-billion-dollar Port Mann Bridge

For the second time in two weeks, the operators of Metro Vancouver’s new Port Mann Bridge are apologizing for weather-related problems

How an Obama warning to Boehner paved the way to a fiscal cliff deal

The warning? Stop opposing higher tax rates, or the president would blame Republicans for a global recession. Here's what happened next

Edmonton transit murder proves one thing: These days, you can't count on the public to step up

Christie Blatchford: The passengers who fled the train are perfect products of a world where the best advice is to avert your gaze and call on professionals for help

Bulgaria identifies terror suspect in deadly attack on Israeli tourists

New evidence suggests the bombing was not a suicide attack, as the bomber’s moves ahead of the attack indicated that he did not intend to die

Israeli undercover raid in West Bank sets off violent Palestinian protests

Israeli undercover troops broke into a West Bank apartment building in a failed arrest raid Thursday, igniting a violent protest

Islamist extremists radicalizing Canadians at ‘a large number of venues,’ secret report reveals — including the home

The report identifies the role of prisons, the Internet and travel in turning some Canadians into extremists. But it also points a finger at the family home

'Left-wing extremism,' Freemen among Canada's top domestic terror threats

A newly released report describes the activities of Canadian fringe groups that use or advocate violence, ranging from 'eco-extremists' to anti-government Freemen

‘It hurts to see it now’: Louisiana’s storm-hit cemeteries sinking, washing away

At least two dozen cemeteries across southeast Louisiana are rapidly sinking or washing away because of erosion and subsidence accelerated by powerful storms

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Simplistic arguments from Idle No More may have a tragic impact

John Ivison: Canada is facing a tumultuous moment, unlike anything seen since the Oka crisis. And the prospect of rational debate is slipping away

Suspending a kid for pointing his finger and saying 'Pow!' just makes schools look stupid

Matt Gurney: A good way to prove that schools can be trusted to react properly to major threats to to stop overreacting to trivial ones

Theresa Spence is no Mahatma Gandhi

Today’s letters: ‘Spence, as an aboriginal leader, has the right to request a meeting with the Crown’s representative. In Canada, that’s John Duncan'

How India’s rape culture came to Canada

Afsun Qureshi: Within my own extended family, there was a ‘funny uncle’ who took turns on everyone, regardless of gender and age


Why this U.S. debt ceiling fight could be even more of a nightmare than the last one

Goldman Sachs warns that America's upcoming fight over lifting the debt ceiling could be harder than the 2012 fight, which was brutal and confidence crushing


2013 Movie Preview: Prequels, sequels and reboots to be continued in the upcoming film year

Among the pile of prequels and reboots, Katherine Monk and Jay Stone have identified 13 movies to look forward to in 2013

Actress Julianne Hough reveals childhood abuse — ‘mentally, physically, everything’ — in pages of Cosmopolitan

Hough doesn't want to identify who attacked her. "I'm a very forgiving person, and I don't want to hurt anybody. What's past is past"

Things get complicated for Rosemarie DeWitt in The Promised Land

Rosemarie DeWitt plays a less anxious sort than she's used to in her new film, Promised Land, directed by Gus Van Sant

Israel & Middle East

American journalist kidnapped in war-torn Syria by unknown gunmen six weeks ago still missing: family

The parents of James Foley, who was kidnapped in Syria, appealed to his captors for any information about their son's health and welfare


Motor Mouth: ‘Magical’ Tesla S is not our saviour

There are holes in many claims for how practical electric sedan is


Why Canada’s world junior loss to U.S. should not come as a shock

Cam Cole: Canada won’t be playing for the gold medal. So this means ... what? A colossal failure? Cause for a royal commission?

Raptors rookie Terrence Ross must get ready to adjust

Terrence Ross had a career-best 26 points in the Toronto Raptors’ blowout victory over Portland on Wednesday

NHL players set to vote on ‘disclaimer’ again

NHL players will soon be asked to vote again on giving their executive board the authority to file a 'disclaimer of interest'

Marlies forward Jerry D’Amigo is feeling pretty good about U.S. world junior victory

Jerry D’Amigo tried to stay awake. He wanted to watch the United States play Canada in its semi-final game

Personal Finance

Why staying in school isn’t always smart

Sober Second Thought: Drowning in debt and close to finishing a second university degree, this woman wonders if continuing her studies is worth it. Jason Heath has the surprising answer

Posted Toronto

Dog rescue owner wanted by police for allegedly choking dog to death in Toronto office, fleeing scene

Police say that while she was in a Toronto Animal Services office with a dog, Rita Mueller allegedly choked the dog to death and left the scene

Supporters flock to Toronto mayor Rob Ford’s New Year’s levee

A week before Mayor Rob Ford turns to the courts to save his job, he opened the doors of City Hall for the traditional New Year’s levee

Ontario pilot project to see liquor sold in 10 grocery stores

The Liquor Control Board will set up what it calls Express outlets inside 10 grocery stores over the next 18 months


A Running Resolution: How to get out there, stay injury-free and keep going in 2013

It’s that time of year again: resolutions season. New runners interested in completing a 2013 goal should sign up for a clinic or join a group


Mike Holmes: When the mice move in

A lot of homeowners might be starting to notice some unwanted guests. No, not the in-laws. I’m talking about pests, and mice in particular. Cold weather drives most animals and insects to find warmth, which could lead them straight to your house. And ...


Col. Chris Hadfield's stunning view of snow-covered Canada from the Space Station

The Canadian astronaut staked out a spot in the viewing cupola of the International Space Station hoping to glimpse his home country, then tweeted his photos

Alleged narwhal-tusk smuggling operation smashed in joint Canada-U.S. effort

Dozens of charges laid in two different cases appear to stem from the same alleged, cross-border tusk-smuggling ring

Trail of trophy photos on social media the latest tool against wildlife poachers

It was an investigation as thorough as many homicide cases receive. One that came to rely heavily on the social-media-savvy stupidity of the poachers themselves

Bank Of Canada won’t discuss melting plastic bills, says national security behind silence

In response to a formal request, the bank released 134 pages of internal records — almost completely blanked out — concerning allegations its new bill can melt

Post Picks

Two-billion-year-old Mars rock found in Sahara desert, contains more water than most Martian meteorites

A 2-billion-year-old rock that broke from Mars and landed in the Sahara desert is quite different from other Martian meteorites, scientists reported Thursday

The moment CNN died (and the Honey Boo Boo-shaped shovel used to bury it)

Matt Gurney: CNN may not have rolled out reality programming of its own yet, but it’s desperately trying to drape itself in the trashy notoriety of TLC

State-approved names only, please: Icelandic girl suing government over right to use her name

Iceland has a list of 1,853 female names that fit grammar and pronunciation rules, which officials maintain will protect children from embarrassment

‘If I have to wear shoes, I suffer’: Montreal resident discusses the perks and pitfalls of going barefoot, full-time

Anemone Cerridwen does not wear shoes. Ever. Shoes made her feet ache, and bleed, and so three years ago she abandoned wearing them altogether

Paparazzo killed while photographing Justin Bieber’s car claimed he had seen pop star smoking pot behind the wheel

Chris Guerra had reportedly called the photo agency by which he was employed claiming he had seen Bieber smoking what appeared to be marijuana from a pipe

‘Fortunate’ feline found after spending a week stuck in tree, falling 80 feet and running off

A stray cat that spent at least a week stuck in a tree before falling to the ground and fleeing has been found and appears to be in good health

Col. Chris Hadfield's stunning view of snow-covered Canada from the Space Station

The Canadian astronaut staked out a spot in the viewing cupola of the International Space Station hoping to glimpse his home country, then tweeted his photos

With the penny on its way out, will Canada's nickel be the next to go?

As the penny is set to begin retirement next month, there are already calls to put the nickel out to pasture as well

Bill Gates is $7-billion richer than he was a year ago — and it's not all from Microsoft

After giving away $28-billion, the Microsoft mogul is no longer the third-richest man in the world. He's the second-richest. Here's how he did it


Post Picks

Interview takes awkward turn as Samuel L. Jackson orders host to say the 'n-word'

When Jake Hamilton questioned the star over Django Unchained use of the N-word, Jackson put the him on the spot. 'No? Nobody? None?’ The word would be … ?'

NHL, union chip away at their differences in latest round of talks

Bruce Arthur: Nobody is walking away, not yet. Nobody is pushing too hard, not yet. In the grander scheme the issues seem like details, brush strokes. But they...

Sperm donor fights state attempts to force him to pay child support to lesbian couple

When William Marotta donated sperm, he gave up all parental rights. Then the couple filed for assistance, and the state demanded his name to collect child support

Putin grants 'Green Card' star Gerard Depardieu Russian citizenship after actor threatens to leave France over tax dispute

Depardieu is angered by French President Francois Hollande’s attempt to raise taxes on the mega-rich to 75%. Russia has a flat income tax of 13%

Prince Harry a 'drunk jackal' who kills innocent civilians, feared Afghan warlord says

One of Afghanistan’s most feared warlords made a withering attack on Harry, calling the prince a ‘jackal’ who was ‘drunk’ while hunting innocent Afghans

'Are you missing a suitcase full of lobster and gifts?': Toronto woman claims mysterious luggage found in Halifax

Halifax police have determined that an Ontario woman is the owner of a suitcase full of lobsters discovered at the side of a suburban intersection

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Modernizing Gaming

Betting on the future: Communities across Ontario have benefitted from gaming facility revenue

Buoyed by the millions of dollars from the OLG, cities have seen new life pumped into their downtown core

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