U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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Florida's high-speed rail funds come to Delaware

When Florida's governor, Rick Scott, announced that his state was declining its share of federal high-speed rail funds, Delaware's Congressional delegation got to work on putting it to use in Delaware. Today the Department of Transportation announced that $800 million of the $2.02 billion available would be invested in Amtrak's Northeast Corridor.

“When Governor Scott declined to accept his state’s share of these federal funds, we said we wanted to make Florida’s loss Delaware’s gain, and that’s exactly what we did, “ Senator Coons said. “The Department of Transportation made the right call in allocating the largest share of Florida’s unused high-speed rail funds to the Northeast Corridor. When we met with Secretary LaHood in March, I underscored the value of Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor as a critical artery for not only Delaware’s economy, but for the country’s. It made sense to invest that money where it could do the most good, and there is no doubt that the Northeast Corridor was that place.”

Department of Transportation
High-Speed Rail
Secretary LaHood