
Restaurant Plays Recordings of Bad Yelp Reviews on Stereo

Photo courtesy of Craft & Commerce on Facebook

In the restaurant industry, there's no one that people love to hate more than Guy Fieri Yelpers. Entire Tumblr blogs have been dedicated to poking fun at their half-assed reviews, and actors have even created dramatic parody videos mocking their terrible writing.

According to HuffPo Craft & Commerce, an uber-hip cocktail bar and gastropub in San Diego, has taken a more tongue-in-cheek approach -- playing recordings of their negative Yelp reviews on their bathroom stereo systems.

Now, anyone who has ever visited a chain like Bucca di Beppo knows how jarring it can be to have unclaimed voices chattering in the bathroom, but we have to admit this is a pretty interesting marketing approach. Especially for a bar/restaurant that has an average rating of 4 stars.

We just hope there are some gems like this one:

"Yuck! If you want to fart alllll night and feel like crap from eating a bunch of greasy food, then this is your place! What really grossed me out is a worker coming through the isle with the trash can full should have taken it as a sign not to eat there! The hot dogs were way to thick. Yuck oh yuck! Happy Farts!" --1 star review of Dog Haus by Katie H.

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  • birdtird

    Is this the place Ron Burgundy plays the flute at?

  • that resto is one of the few saving graces of the san diego dining scene. pricey but quality and food is mad decent

  • and then you sit outside and enjoy the smell of bum piss in the air.. mmm.

  • This is even more obnoxious than people who retweet disparaging remarks about themselves.

  • Sullivan131

    Someone gave this amazing coffee shop a one star because he would always get there when it was closed. Get there earlier you f*ck!!! Don't bring their overall score down because your lazy ass cant get there sooner.

    I take the reviews with a grain of salt because they can either bash a wonderful establishment or over hype a mediocre one.

  • MTkill_a_manJaro

    I have to admit my knee-jerk reaction sometimes is to defend yelpers because im not above saying I do use the app to look for things in a town Im not too familiar with.

    But then you do come across gems like the "review" mentioned above and you have to think, "yeah, some idiots deserve their comeuppance'

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