
Ex-Manhattan ADA Accused Of Selling "High-Grade" Pot To Cops

In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime, and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders. And sometimes the police arrest the former district attorneys for dealing drugs. This is David Leung's story.

According to police Leung, 44, was busted by an informant on September 27 after he slipped the undercover agent two bags of weed for $200 on Ninth Street (they'd already agreed on the deal over the phone). After the exchange police say they found seven more bags of pot, totaling more than eight ounces, in the trunk of the car Leung was driving.

What makes the routine bust of a pot dealer in the marijuana arrest capital of the world interesting, however, is the fact that Leung was recognized by a defense attorney and some arresting officers when he showed up at court yesterday—because he had been an assistant district attorney in Manhattan from 1993 through 2003.

After leaving the DAs office Leung reportedly went into private practice and moved to Indiana—but seems to have decided there was money to be made on the street. Yesterday in court Leung was told "he had not yet been indicted and set a return date of Jan. 22 for possible grand jury action." In the meantime he remains free without bail.

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  • ThreeAndNine

    "the fact that Leung knew some of the prosecutors when he showed up at court yesterday"

    Heh. "Some of the prosecutors?" He was in criminal court being arraigned on a couple of routine drug charges. There would have been no more than one prosecutor there.

  • JenChungsBaby

    David?  He told me to call him Chin.

  • William Mackay

    Fuck I'd have to sell drugs too if I made what an ADA makes. 

  • Trustafarian

    dealing drugs - you're doing it wrong

  • sluggita

    oh, legalize it already! for fuck's sake...what a waste of taxpayer money to prosecute this guy. 

  •  Seriously; I'm only annoyed because, well, of the giant double standards in drug enforcement.  Which would be moot if it was legalized.  Which would also help the incredible (INCREDIBLE) racial divide in the justice system.  Seems like a no brainer...unless that racial divide is there on...purpose?

  • ThreeAndNine

    "the giant double standards in drug enforcement."

    Yeah, the deck is really stacked against those Asian former prosecutors.

  • ...sort of...my...point? I didn't mean this guy was the victim of the double standard, I meant he was a perpetrator of it.

  • jibbly

    ding ding ding ding ding

  • Lizzietish81

    Cops always get the best pot

  • HughGass


  • News Flash:  People who become lawyers don't become lawyers because they care about justice or anyone besides themselves. 

    People go into law because they want money, power, prestige.   One of the upsides of Wall St.'s trillion dollar theft is that they haven't left much for the lawyers......not working on Wall St......to plunder.   Most work-a-day slob lawyers barely get by on DUI cases, divorce, and other petty crap that  pays little and offers all the excitement of working at a coin laundry. 

    To sum up: YOU FUCK, LAWYERS.

  • FU Boy

    Well, it is a branch of the political system - what did you expect?

  • LtWorf

    Not all lawyers are bad. Many do have a sense of good and want to seek justice. Being an DA or ADA is evidence enough of that.

    Being a defense attorney can go either way, but if you're a public defender, you're defending those who don't have the means or the $ to find high priced lawyers. It's the ultimate job in defending the rights of those accused. 

  • fbxl5

    I agree. In fact, I once met and worked with a lawyer who wasn't a complete self-centered, money grubbing, pathologically lying, socipathic, thieving, dogshit eating, swindeling, cheating, deceiving, taking candy from children, soul-less, piece of depends leaking, human shit.

  • LtWorf

    Amazing. Was this Harvey Dent?

  • fbxl5

    Hipster humor from a Klingon?


  • Bernie_Geotz_Squirrel_Luv

    WTF? Really bad week for Asians.

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