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Remarks of U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert on H.R. 1106

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.  I rise today in opposition to this bill and to express my sincere disappointment in the way it has come to the floor.
Before we considered this flawed legislation, I brought before the Rules Committee two simple, straightforward amendments that would have made this a much better bill.  They would have ensured that taxpayers are protected from others making unfair profits on their dime.  They also would prevent flippers, speculators, illegals, and criminals from taking advantage of a program that should be aimed at worthy borrowers who are struggling to keep their family homes.
The first amendment I offered required that taxpayer-funded mortgage assistance not go to those who misstated their income to get a mortgage, aren’t even living in the residence, were convicted of financial fraud, or aren’t in the country legally and permanently. 
The second ensured that taxpayers get paid back first.  It required that those who profit from selling a property that benefited from taxpayer support pay back some of that money through an added capital gains tax.  Why should the 93 to 95 percent of Americans who are paying their mortgages on time have to foot the bill for others to make a profit on their real estate?  It’s not fair to my constituents who acted responsibly, have worked and saved hard, and took loans they knew they could afford.
Mr. Speaker, these sound to me like principles we can all agree with.  And yet the Majority in the Rules Committee refused to allow members of the full House to vote on these common-sense amendments.  I don’t think that’s what the American people want, and I urge my colleagues to oppose this bill.
I yield back.
