
Early Addition: Even Fox News Has Had Enough Of Karl Rove

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  • ThreeAndNine

    "An NYPD officer was arrested for trying to set his car on fire."

    No, it was a traffic agent. In no way an "officer," a civilian employee.

    For that matter, "arrested for trying to set his car on fire" is also wrong. He did set his car on fire, then some time later filed a fraudulent insurance claim. That's what he was arrested for.

  • fbxl5

    That fat-face fuck looks like a white Dizzy Gillespie without the horn!

  • On behalf of the Sherlock fandom, I would just like to say... We were crazy a long, long time ago. 

  • great video! i want to be a baby elephant and be comforted by god size momma elephant

  • steve

     nice video.  Elephants are the best. right up there with dolphins

  • Lizzietish81

    Why did I click on the Sherlock link? 

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