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The Homer Horizon, 03-26-09: Congresswoman Biggert celebrates Earth Hour in Homer Glen

The Homer Horizon
March 26, 2009
Homer Horizon Staff 
Mayor Daley of Homer Glen will be sharing the limelight this Saturday with Congresswoman Judy Biggert and Ronald McDonald; but the limelight will actually be candlelight. Earth Hour 2009 promises to be bigger and better than ever with a “flick of a switch” celebration at McDonald’s located at Bell Road and 143rd Street in Homer Glen.
“As a flagship community representing small town U.S.A., Homer Glen is honored to have Congresswoman Biggert choose our community in which to celebrate Earth Hour 2009,” Daley said.
Congresswoman Judy Biggert will be attending the Earth Hour celebration as part of her efforts to support the World Wildlife Fund’s initiative. Biggert recently sponsored a resolution in support of Earth Hour. She will be attending Earth Hour events in Chicago early on Saturday and chose to finish her day in Homer Glen.
“I’m thrilled to join Mayor Daley and other Homer Glen residents in celebrating this world-wide green initiative. Earth Hour is a great opportunity to raise awareness about the need for clean, renewable energy alternatives,” said Biggert, a senior member of the House Science and Technology Committee. “Our environment and economic prosperity depend on our reducing our dependence on foreign energy sources. That’s why it’s so important to promote research and development on alternatives like hydrogen, geothermal, and clean coal technologies.”
The Village of Homer Glen was one of the first communities to sign on for Earth Hour in its inaugural year in 2008. With the adoption of its landmark lighting ordinance in December 2007, the Village has taken the lead in preserving the night sky as a natural resource.
The ordinance requires full cut off lighting to ensure light does not trespass onto neighboring properties or up into the night sky thus obscuring opportunities to see the stars. Proponents of night sky protection have also identified harmful environmental and heath impacts as a result of the loss of dark skies.
Homer Glen officials hope to exceed last year’s successes with more than 60 businesses and a long list of residents that have signed on in support of Earth Hour.
Trustee Margaret Sabo, chair of the Environment Committee, noted the efforts of volunteer Debra Norvil in planning for this year’s event.
“Without the hard work of our Environment Committee volunteers and most especially Debra Norvil, who has taken the lead on orchestrating this event, we wouldn’t see the recognition Homer Glen has received for its earth friendly efforts,” Sabo said. Commonwealth Edison reported a 7 percent drop in electrical usage for the entire service territory during the Earth Hour observation in 2008. Homer Glen officials hope to see that drop even further this year. Ronald McDonald will be on hand at the event to pass out coupons for free ice cream cones and cookies at the Homer Glen McDonald’s restaurant.
Earth Hour participants are invited to eat by candle light at McDonald’s, PePe’s and Chesdan’s in celebration of Earth Hour 2009.