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Resources on Medicare’s Role in the Debt-Reduction Debate
A number of Foundation reports analyze potential Medicare savings proposals such as raising Medicare's eligibility age, requiring relatively affluent beneficiaries to pay more and revamping Medicare's cost-sharing structure. All these and more are available from this resource page.
Study Highlights Role of Geography and Plan Shopping Under Medicare Premium Support System
This new study illustrates why geography would matter for Medicare beneficiaries under a premium support system that relies on a competitive bidding process envisioned under several key Medicare reform proposals. Other Foundation resources include a side-by-side comparison, an explainer about the premium support concept, and recent polling data.
Resources For 2013 Medicare Open Enrollment Period
With Medicare’s open enrollment period running from October 15 to December 7, a new national survey finds that nearly one in four seniors say they are unaware of the annual opportunity to review and change their Medicare coverage. The Foundation also has new data spotlights on Medicare's 2013 prescription drug plan options, an updated fact sheet and an online consumer guide to Medicare.
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Medicare Advantage 2013 Spotlight: Plan Availability and Premiums -- December 2012
Medicare Advantage Fact Sheet -- November 2012
Visualizing Health Policy -- November 2012 KCMU Material
Pulling It Together: The News Media and "Entitlement Reform" -- November 2012
Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan Availability in 2013 -- November 2012
The Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit - An Updated Fact Sheet -- November 2012
Medicare Part D: A First Look at Part D Plan Offerings in 2013 -- November 2012
Best Bets for Reducing Medicare Costs for Dual Eligible Beneficiaries: Assessing the Evidence -- November 2012
Health Care on the Brink of the Fiscal Cliff -- November 2012 Video/Audio
Medicare Spending and Financing Fact Sheet -- November 2012
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Medicare, the federal health insurance program that covers 48 million elderly and disabled Americans, has played a central role in the U.S. health system since it was established in 1965.  Individuals become eligible for Medicare when they reach age 65, if they or their spouse made payroll tax contributions for 10 or more years.  People under age 65 qualify for Medicare after 24 months of receiving Social Security Disability payments, or if they have end-stage renal disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease).


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