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Reg Watch Update

Regulations and the 112th Congress:
Restoring the regulatory oversight power of the House 

Reg Watch Fact of the Day:

Since passage, the Affordable Care Act has imposed an estimated $9.1 billion in private-sector burdens, approximately $2.2 billion in costs to the states, and 30 million annual paperwork hours.

Two weeks ago, the Supreme Court of the United States announced that it will take up the constitutionality of the President’s health-care law. While the court battle will be decided next year, the regulations implementing Obamacare continue to roll out. Since the passage of the health-care law, the Administration has issued over 50 implementing regulations containing 1,568,482 words. The actual law, as big as it was, is only 425,116 words. Obamacare’s implementing regulations so far are 350 percent the length of the law itself.


Regulations by the Numbers for 2011:

315 Days:      Since Obama’s Executive Order on Regulations
 141 Days:     Since Obama’s Executive Order on Regulations for                           Independent Agencies
1 Rule:           Repealed this year – spilled milk not considered an oil spill
750 Rules:      Regulations deemed significant under Executive Order 12866
$93.4B:          Cost of regulatory burdens from new rules for the year
72,820 Pages: Pages of regulations in the Federal Register so far this year
119.4 Million:  Hours of annual paperwork burden


(See Attached) The Wall Street Journal: The United States of EPA, (Monday, November 29, 2011)
Under this new rule, America's fleet of passenger cars and light trucks will have to meet an average of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025, a doubling of today's average of about 27 mpg. By the EPA's estimate the rule will cost $157 billion, meaning the real number is vastly greater.

The Washington Times: LORIS: Stuffed with CO2 regulations, (Wednesday, November 23, 2011)
The EPA’s regulations would, however, inflict serious economic harm. Although the agency targets the largest emitters of greenhouse gases first, the financial burden would extend to every American.

Forbes: Why Doesn’t the White House ‘Get It’ on Jobs? (Wednesday, November 23, 2011)
The Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, and other agencies have proposed more than 200 new rules that each will cost industries at least $100 million.

The Hill: Democrat criticizes Obama for ‘4,200 pages’ of pending regulations, (Tuesday, November 22, 2011)
Former Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln (Ark.) attacked the Obama administration Tuesday for proposing a litany of new regulations she says are hurting the economy. "You’ve got 4,200 pages of pending, new regulations to be put on the books that just create huge uncertainty,” Lincoln said.



This week the House will debate and vote on Rep. Smith’s (TX) Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act of 2011 (H.R. 527) and Regulatory Accountability Act of 2011 (H.R. 3010)

Rep. Hanna (NY) and Rep. Terry (NE) introduce legislation to put a time out on regulations (H.R. 3257)

Rep. Huelskamp (KS) introduces legislation to add a Regulatory Title to the Farm Bill (H.R. 3323)

Rep. Rooney (FL) introduces “The Restore America Act” to help the private sector grow and create jobs (H.R. 3302)



Rep. Scalise (LA) introduces H.J. Res. 85 to disapprove of President Obama’s new Christmas Tree Tax rule



Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Mineral Wool      
Agency: EPA   Cost (Millions): 0.76

Basis Reporting by Securities Brokers and Basis Determination       Agency: IRS   Burden Hours: 450,000

Calculation of Maximum Obligation Limitation                              Agency: Treasury  

Enhancements to Emergency Preparedness Regulations                 Agency: NRC   Burden Hours: 123

Emissions Standards, Hazardous Air Pollutants: Ferroalloys             Agency: EPA   Cost (Millions): 15.78  Burden Hours: 483

National Emission Standards for HAPs Emissions for Shipbuilding   Agency: EPA   Cost (Millions): 0.19   Burden Hours: 2,000

Casey HoganRegulations Legislative Assistant
John StoneCommunications
(202) 225-3864  |