Top Headlines

 Better spies, not more

Better spies, not more

The U.S. intelligence community already suffers from a propensity to put quantity over quality.


For love of 'Downton Abbey'

The popularity of this blue-blood soap opera in the U.S. is astonishing.

Texting turns 20, LOL

The telephone is great for complicated business discussions and catching up with old friends, but for day-to-day logistics, texting trumps talking. hpe anvrsre, txtn!

Israel takes a harder line

Israel takes a harder line

When Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas announced that he would seek recognition from the United Nations for a Palestinian state,...

Port strike: Let's make a deal

Port strike: Let's make a deal

About 800 clerical workers based at the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports find themselves in a position to wreak havoc on the economy of...

The Andrea Alarcon case

The Andrea Alarcon case

What exactly Public Works Commissioner Andrea Alarcon did on the night of Nov. 16 remains under investigation. But this much is known: Her...

Women in combat -- it's time

Women in combat -- it's time

When politicians pay tribute to members of the U.S. armed forces, they almost always refer to our "brave men and women," a recognition of...

 Keeping California's kids healthy

Keeping California's kids healthy

In a bid to cut the state's healthcare bills, the Brown administration will begin shuttering the Healthy Families insurance program for low-...

California lawmakers, it's time to govern

California lawmakers, it's time to govern

The Legislature will begin its new two-year session in Sacramento on Monday. Newly elected Assembly members and senators from Southern...

 Affirmative action and the law

Affirmative action and the law

As the Supreme Court mulls whether the U.S. Constitution prohibits state universities from taking race into account in admissions decisions,...

 A chance for calm in Congo

A chance for calm in Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo has been repeatedly ravaged by war, rebellion and attacks on civilians in the last two decades. Though...

Michael Murphy, Esalen's potentialist

Michael Murphy, Esalen's potentialist

Before the Esalen Institute, there was Michael Murphy's family's property, a choice chunk of gorgeous Big Sur, where, in 1962, Murphy...

 Building a better tomato

Building a better tomato

Tomatoes in December? There was a time when that would have sounded absurd. But these days, you don't have to give up having tomatoes in...

 In defense of defense cuts

In defense of defense cuts

Now that the media are running out of engrossing revelations regarding the private lives of powerful generals and spy chiefs, we have to...

 Newton: Off and running in the L.A. mayor's race

Newton: Off and running in the L.A. mayor's race

A new poll on the Los Angeles mayor's race confirms the conventional wisdom: Most voters have yet to make up their minds, but among those...

Why the poor favor the Democrats

Why the poor favor the Democrats

Speaking to donors after the election, Mitt Romney attributed his loss to President Obama to the administration's strategy of "giving a...

 Beyond 7 billion: Bending the population curve

Beyond 7 billion: Bending the population curve

Hunger. Environmental degradation. Political instability. These were among the consequences of rapid global population growth documented...

McManus: Doubts about drones

McManus: Doubts about drones

When President Obama came to office in 2009, it didn't take his new administration long to settle on a favorite anti-terrorist tactic: drone...

The Christian case for gay marriage

The Christian case for gay marriage

Despite the increasing number of those who hold other faiths or no faith, Christians still wield substantial influence on our nation's...