NASA on verge of losing its edge, report says

NASA on verge of losing its edge, report says

Years of trying to do too many things with too little money have put NASA at risk of ceding leadership in space exploration to other...

GRAIL mission delivers a hi-fi map of the moon

GRAIL mission delivers a hi-fi map of the moon

A pair of NASA orbiters has given scientists their highest-fidelity look at the moon, a leap that...

Arctic's loss of sea ice sets record

Arctic's loss of sea ice sets record

A fast-changing Arctic broke new records for loss of sea ice and spring snow cover this year, as...

NASA plans new rover mission on Mars

NASA plans new rover mission on Mars

NASA officials announced plans to build a new rover that would follow Curiosity and Opportunity on...


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 Iran's subtle, persistent voice for environmentalism

Iran's subtle, persistent voice for environmentalism

TEHRAN — His son is named after the river born where the Tigris and Euphrates meet. His wife once complained that he loved a rare...

UCLA report aims to serve as L.A. road map on environmental issues

Los Angeles mayoral and City Council candidates should address air, soil, water and energy problems in their campaigns and the winners...

Supreme Court hears arguments in L.A. storm water runoff case

Supreme Court hears arguments in L.A. storm water runoff case

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court gave a skeptical hearing Tuesday to a Los Angeles lawyer who sought to absolve the county's flood...

Voyager 1 finds a surprise at the edge of the solar system

Voyager 1 finds a surprise at the edge of the solar system

Voyager 1, the spacecraft famous for beaming back striking photos of Jupiter, Saturn and their moons more than 30 years ago, has made...

Mars rover may have picked up signs of organic compounds

Mars rover may have picked up signs of organic compounds

NASA's Curiosity rover has picked up intriguing signs of organic compounds in the Martian soil, but the key ingredient — carbon...

 Building a better tomato

Building a better tomato

Tomatoes in December? There was a time when that would have sounded absurd. But these days, you don't have to give up having tomatoes in...

State lacks strategy on alternative energy, report says

State lacks strategy on alternative energy, report says

California's push to add wind and solar energy to its existing power grid could saddle ratepayers with soaring electrical bills and...

Kern County farmers take on oil industry, California

Kern County farmers take on oil industry, California

SHAFTER — In this lush pocket of Kern County, where the agriculture and oil industries have long coexisted, Mike Hopkins' almond...

 Northern California escapes flooding

Northern California escapes flooding

The last in a series of punishing storms swept through Northern California on Sunday, leaving downed power lines, cracked tree limbs and...

Supreme Court wading into L.A. County storm water case

Supreme Court wading into L.A. County storm water case

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court will hear a case from Los Angeles on Tuesday to decide for the first time who can be held responsible...

U.S. seeks to protect 66 kinds of coral

U.S. seeks to protect 66 kinds of coral

The federal government on Friday proposed protecting 66 kinds of corals under the Endangered Species Act, an acknowledgment that these reef-...

Mars rover Curiosity's other mission: PR

Mars rover Curiosity's other mission: PR

NASA's Curiosity rover was designed to search Mars for places capable of supporting life. But the $2.5-billion mission has another,...

U.S. regulators grill Edison on bid to restart part of San Onofre

U.S. regulators grill Edison on bid to restart part of San Onofre

Federal regulators grilled Southern California Edison publicly for the first time Friday on its proposal to restart part of the troubled San...

Study challenges presumed age of Grand Canyon

Study challenges presumed age of Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon may be much older than widely believed, according to a new study that challenges the view that the American landmark was...

Messenger detects frozen water, organic matter on Mercury

Messenger detects frozen water, organic matter on Mercury

Mercury may be a scorching hunk of rock just next door to the sun, but planetary scientists have discovered nearly pure frozen water and...