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Letters To The Editor



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  • Protect our environment, health

    Laws have been passed to protect the environment and health issues, yet we still get bad decisions from our appointed and elected officials. The mind-set of some people on these issues is appalling.

  • U.S. needs more balanced approach in Middle East

    Gary Olson hit the nail on the head with his Your View article re the situation in the Middle East. Very few people have the courage to tell the truth about what is truly happening in that area.

  • Lawmakers protected selves with gun
    Lawmakers protected selves with gun

    Enjoyed the story concerning two lawmakers who because of sensible gun laws were able to protect themselves from becoming victims!

  • PPL Center staff in Allentown did great job at opener
    PPL Center staff in Allentown did great job at opener

    Congratulations to all of the staff at the PPL Center Friday night at the Phantoms game. Every single person we met, from the security people to the ushers and the concession staff, were courteous, helpful and genuinely interested in making sure we had a good time. I have never experienced...

  • Votes cast for losing candidates aren't wasted

    The election is almost here. Some people will be voting for a particular party. Some need to see commercials and debates to make up their mind. That's everyone's prerogative and part of what makes America great.

  • Make your voice heard at the polls

    Your vote does count! Thomas Dorr, Alice Paul and Bob Moses all dedicated their lives to change suffrage from being a privilege of a chosen few. Let their sacrifices and political convictions be a reminder to us that voting must go back to being considered a privilege and not a futile...

  • Afterschool programs are popular, vital

    A new study from the Afterschool Alliance reveals that despite widespread support for afterschool programs and similarly high parental satisfaction with them, the unmet need for afterschool is huge and growing.

  • Karen Dolan is an example of public service
    Karen Dolan is an example of public service

    Karen Dolan deserves many thanks for her role in preserving part of Bethlehem's history, involving students in reconstruction, and advancing environmental education in the memory of Gertie Fox, who saved the Monocacy Creek for generations to enjoy. They are both examples of what public...

  • Mark Aurand will make an 'excellent' senator
    Mark Aurand will make an 'excellent' senator

    I'm proud to cast my vote on Nov. 4 for Mark Aurand for our new state Senate seat in the 40th District. I've been following his campaign and have spoken with him many times. He is the real deal. He is smart, articulate, caring and knowledgeable on the issues. He is poised to make an...

  • Tom Wolf keeping bad company
    Tom Wolf keeping bad company

    For the last couple of months, I had full intentions of voting for Tom Wolf for governor. However, the last few days, I have totally changed my mind. He has Hillary Clinton and first lady Michelle Obama campaigning for him. I truly believe people can be judged by the company they keep.

  • Child should not be charged as adult
    Child should not be charged as adult

    As a mother and grandmother, I find it absolutely heartbreaking to read that Tristen Kurilla, a 10-year-old child with "mental difficulties," according to his mother, is in prison, having been charged with homicide as an adult.

  • Strong action needed over student allegations

    The recent actions during games at various schools should be addressed with no exceptions to any person or school district.

  • Mario Scavello will support veterans programs
    Mario Scavello will support veterans programs

    With the media revelations about mismanagement, lack of care, fraud and record destruction the Department of Veterans Affairs has been experiencing, I am worried about falling through the cracks.

  • Church has new attitude toward gays
    Church has new attitude toward gays

    Your front-page headline, "Gays welcomed," for a photograph about the Catholic Church smacks of ignorance and a touch of bigotry. It implies that historically gays were never welcomed. This sort of banner is quite unkind.

  • Column was a 'one-sided attack on Israel'

    Gary Olson in his Your View trivializes Judaism in his one-sided attack on Israel.

  • 'Ebola' taunt shameful against Nazareth High soccer player
    'Ebola' taunt shameful against Nazareth High soccer player

    The taunts and insults against the Nazareth Area High School soccer player by Northampton high school players have given not only the school a black eye but also the Lehigh Valley. By extension, it's a black eye for the state and the country as well.

  • Justin Simmons opposes new, higher taxes
    Justin Simmons opposes new, higher taxes

    Justin Simmons is an honest and hardworking man in our 131st District. As state representative, he supports policies that are creating jobs and he opposes costly new taxes. He voted to eliminate school property taxes, sponsored legislation to help move homeless children from the streets to...

  • Mario Scavello protects rights of the unborn

    In response to the letter to the editor, "Aurand supports women's right to abortion": I thank God for candidates such as Mario Scavello who stand firmly for the right to life. What is so offensive about a woman receiving counseling and waiting 24 hours before she makes a life...

  • 'Ebola' comment at Lehigh Valley soccer match 'racist'

    I think it is racist and disgusting what some members of the Northampton Area High School boys soccer team did to the African Nazareth Area High School soccer player by yelling "Ebola."

  • Four ideas to resolve Israeli-Palestinian conflict

    In his Oct. 7 Your View, Gary Olson makes many unfounded accusations against Israel. One of those is a frequently repeated claim that Israeli settlements are a major obstacle to peace in the region. In making this claim, he demonstrates a lack of both imagination and of critical thinking.

  • Police need to be well-armed

    Kudos to Bethlehem Mayor Robert Donchez for having a round-table discussion recently with representatives of the local NAACP and heads of his first responder units. These meetings are important in keeping the lines of communication and trust open between city representatives and civic groups.

  • Support candidates who protect Second Amendment

    The 2014 midterm and 2016 presidential elections are critical for Second Amendment supporters and gun owners.

  • Republican policy guarantees national funeral

    Judeo-Christian heritage warns of false prophets — those promising all will be well if everyone is regimented into their traditions.

  • Offer LCCC students parking discounts
    Offer LCCC students parking discounts

    I have been reading about how the students at Lehigh Carbon Community College in downtown Allentown find parking costs extremely high on nights when the PPL Center has an event.

  • Travel quarantine better than airport screenings
    Travel quarantine better than airport screenings

    Airport screenings for the Ebola virus would be humorous if this wasn't a deadly serious matter. A temperature check and questionnaire? Is the last question, "Are you lying?"

  • Column maligns key principle of Jewish belief

    We object to certain of Gary Olson's characterizations in his Oct. 8 Your View. He is entitled to his perspectives on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, even if couched in half-truths. But his denigration of a central Jewish value and his bastardization of its meaning to fit his...

  • Removing Wehr's Dam a 'lose-lose' proposition

    An engineering study involving the proposed removal of Wehr's Dam in South Whitehall Township is underway. The cost for this study is approximately $200,000. The funding for the study is via a grant — public tax dollars. The demolition contract to remove a similar-sized dam on...

  • Shale gas tax needed in Pa.

    We've worked so hard to get fresh well water to children across the world just to get lightable, gaseous fracking-contaminated water out of our own faucets in parts of Pennsylvania to support corporate greed. Really?

  • Scavello a strong, dedicated leader

    As a resident of Monroe County, I have been besieged with advertisements, commercials and letters to the editor attacking Mario Scavello as a state Senate candidate for the 40th District. However, this negative campaign against Scavello doesn't hold up under the light of truth.

  • Beware when Ebola reaches Central America

    So now we have a second health care worker in Dallas to test positive for Ebola. Why hasn't the Obama administration shut down all incoming flights to the U.S. from the three main African nations where this disease is running rampant? And why are we not hearing an outcry from the...

  • Aurand to be senator for all people
    Aurand to be senator for all people

    There has been some recent controversy surrounding state Rep. Mario Scavello's support for women's rights. In a debate in Forks Township on Oct. 1, Scavello answered two other questions concerning civil rights but was reluctant to respond to a question that specifically addressed...

  • Insist that legislators act on climate change
    Insist that legislators act on climate change

    Thank you for publishing Marilyn Hazelton's Your View, "How I was changed by People's Climate March." She said we need to choose action that is personal and positive.

  • Karen Dolan a 'good steward' for Bethlehem
    Karen Dolan a 'good steward' for Bethlehem

    The saying, "no good deed goes unpunished," seems to be an apt observation on the political fate of Bethlehem Councilwoman Karen Dolan. A champion of the environment who has been actively involved in restoring a significant Bethlehem historical site, she mistakenly presumed that an...

  • Airstrikes insufficient to stop Islamic State
    Airstrikes insufficient to stop Islamic State

    The relentless advances of the Islamic State army in Iraq and Syria are proof that airstrikes will not be sufficient in stopping them.

  • Truth about climate change hoax emerges
    Truth about climate change hoax emerges

    I am a libertarian and mind my own business. Live and let live and try not to be a hypocrite are a couple of rules I live by.

  • Should justices lose pay to put on robes?
    Should justices lose pay to put on robes?

    After reading the Morning Call story on the pay dispute at Amazon, I don't find it surprising that the conservative Supreme Court justices seem to favor Amazon.

  • Thanks to Supreme Court, 'a sad day for America'
    Thanks to Supreme Court, 'a sad day for America'

    It's a sad day for America when the Supreme Court of our great country brings us to our knees in shame and guilt for allowing homosexual marriage to become law by default. May we drop to our knees and beg the almighty's forgiveness and help to release us from this horrible sin.

  • Spend whatever is needed to catch Eric Frein
    Spend whatever is needed to catch Eric Frein

    Is it right to spend such a massive amount of money to catch the killer of a policeman?

  • Excellent performance at Pennsylvania Playhouse

    I haven't been to the Pennsylvania Playhouse in Bethlehem in many years and was surprised how much it has changed. The show, "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change," was excellent. The singing and music sounded like the Broadway stage but you didn't have to travel that...

  • Scavello a caring man

    Mario Scavello is a knowledgeable, caring man who knows exactly what it will take to help people in the 40th Senate District to keep taxes down, promote new jobs and help with improvements. He will help build a stronger infrastructure and environment. He listens to the people.
