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Eastern approaches

Ex-communist Europe

Czech politics

Another lease of life

Nov 8th 2012, 13:05 by K.S. | PRAGUE

THE Czech Republic's rickety government warded off a potentially fatal assault from its own ranks. But expect little stability in the long run. The three-party, centre-right cabinet survived a confidence vote on November 7th but its majority in parliament remains feeble.

The fate of Petr Nečas's cabinet was in the hands of renegade lawmakers from the prime minister’s ruling Civic Democratic Party, also known as ODS. The six men (one of whom left the party recently) demanded that the government gives up its plan of raising taxes in order to meet Brussels' budgetary criteria and keep the state's borrowing costs low. They had insisted on killing the disputed bill. Mr Nečas (pictured on the left) decided to have a vote of confidence about the controversial tax hikes.

On the eve of the vote on the new taxes, the five rebels remaining within ODS dramatically changed the course. Two said that they will support the bill  to avoid handing power to the Communists. (The logic is that the cabinet's collapse could be followed by an early election that would likely result in a leftist cabinet.)

More surprisingly yet, three remaining rebels announced that they will resign from parliament. They said that they could neither back higher taxes nor topple the government. The trio (whose motivations for the uprising have been questioned) resigned the following morning. They were promptly replaced by the next-in-line ODS candidates who did not make it to parliament in the 2010 election. All three supported the contentious bill, which passed the lower house in a 101-93 vote.

The opposition now hopes to veto the legislation in the Senate and return it to the 200-strong house where the cabinet would have to muster 101 votes in its favour once again. More delays ahead and passing the 2013 budget by the year's end looks increasingly tough.

The U-turn followed last-ditch talks between the defectors and Martin Kuba (pictured on the right), Mr Nečas's new first deputy in the party. And it promptly raised questions of what promises of secret rewards the rebels may have received. There is no question about the fact that the rebels failed to garner greater support for their cause at the party congress last weekend. They neither unseated Mr Nečas from the ODS helm nor made it to the party's wider leadership.

The rebellion has further weakened the government, which started out with 118 votes and was backed by 105 lawmakers in the last confidence vote in April. But Mr Nečas and his team are likely to hang in there as long as there are enough lawmakers who prefer clinging to their jobs to a certain loss in an early election. Aside from the three ODS newcomers, the coalition was helped by three independents. They were elected on the ticket of the populist Public Affairs, a former junior governing party that left the ruling coalition after it split amid its own internal rift. The party has a minuscule chance to return to parliament in a future poll.

The numbers are so tight though that the cabinet will likely be lforced to negotiate ad hoc coalitions to pass its key legislation in the future. After winning the confidence vote in early afternoon, the ruling coalition seized on the moment and went on a legislative spree lasting through the night. The coalition lawmakers managed to overturn two presidential vetoes, for which 101 votes were needed. One law introduces voluntary private retirement-savings funds in 2013; the other places abandoned children (or children taken into state custody) in foster families rather than in institutional care. The house also reversed a Senate veto of a highly-unpopular church restitution bill.

The cabinet escaped collapse but its reputation (and the reputation of the Civic Democrats) received yet another blow in the process. Even though this is a cabinet that vowed to battle corruption one of the new arrivals who helped it survive was sentenced to six years in prison for requesting a bribe. An appeal to a higher court is pending. The novice legislator claims innocence and says that he has no intention to give up his mandate voluntarily. If the house does not vote to expel him, he will be protected by parliamentary immunity. "It shows what that party [ODS] looks like. It shows that it is deeply rotten," Martin Fendrych, a columnist with the Týden weekly, told Czech Television.

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Who put such a miserable, pessimistic and down-beat spin on healthy democratic process?

Why not go into a little more depth on the policy choices at stake? Or the Czech Republic's phenomenal improvement on every social and economic measure in recent years?

Life expectancy: up by 3.6 months/ year since 1990, and on track to overtake the US in the next few years:

Average real wages up 18% from 2003-2011:

Low crime rates, improving education performance, rapidly improving environment (water & air quality), radical improvement in public services, construction of decent roads & modernisation of rail, etc.

Plus, tax rates are low, and the Czech Republic remains a phenomenally attractive & competitive destination for multinationals, for high-value business activities and for sourcing production.

Sure, there are interesting policy choices and debates - and the Czech government is a little more "rickety"/ "weak"/ open to opposition & diverse policy contributions than, say, Fidesz in Hungary. In a word (or two): the Czech Republic is "more democratic". As such, the political process draws on diverse opinions, empirical evidence, diverse lobbying, intense opposition, compromise between political partners (e.g. Cameron/ Clegg in the UK, or CDU, CSU & FDP in Germany, or diverse coalitions in the Netherlands, Sweden and Belgium). The wealthiest, most socially inclusive, most successful and most prosperous countries in the world are all politically-messy democracies.

Rejoice that that's the case: rather than write entire blog articles on personalities, gossip & bickering, the author should focus than the underlying issues and policies at stake (and then put that in context as necessary).


Hi, just one small detail: the new MP who has been already sentenced to six years in jail for accepting a bribe while serving as a deputy mayor of Kolin, gains nothing from his place in the parliament regarding this case. The immunity is not retro-active, so it covers only deeds committed while the person is actually in the house.

About Eastern approaches

Eastern approaches deals with the economic, political, security and cultural aspects of the eastern half of the European continent. It incorporates the long-running "Europe.view" weekly column. The blog is named after the wartime memoirs of the British soldier Sir Fitzroy Maclean.


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