Mourning in America - Here's Those Layoffs We Voted For Last Night

By Rusty Weiss on November 07, 2012

imageLast night's victory for the President marks the first time since its inception that Obamacare is no longer a what-if; it is the future of health care in America.  

It also means a near immediate impact on the economy.  With 20 or so new or higher taxes set to be implemented, ranging from a $123 billion surtax on investment income, through the $20 billion medical device tax, all the way down to the $600 million executive compensation limit, Obamacare will be a nearly unbearable tax burden on the economy.

Who will pay?  The middle-class workforce, of course.

So with another four years for President Obama to look forward to, and the obvious inevitability of Obamacare that this entails, let's examine the very real jobs that will be lost, and the very real lives that will be affected.

Welch Allyn

Welch Allyn, a company that manufactures medical diagnostic equipment in central New York, announced in September that they would be laying off 275 employees, or roughly 10% of their workforce over the next three years.  One of the major reasons discussed for the layoffs was a proactive response to the Medical Device Tax mandated by the new healthcare law.

Dana Holding Corp.

As recently as a week ago, a global auto parts manufacturing company in Ohio known as Dana Holding Corp., warned their employees of potential layoffs, citing "$24 million over the next six years in additional U.S. health care expenses".  After laying off several white collar staffers, company insiders have hinted at more to come.  The company will have to cover the additional $24 million cost somehow, which will likely equate to numerous cuts in their current workforce of 25,500 worldwide.  


One of the biggest medical device manufacturers in the world, Stryker will close their facility in Orchard Park, New York, eliminating 96 jobs in December.  Worse, they plan on countering the medical device tax in Obamacare by slashing 5% of their global workforce - an estimated 1,170 positions.

Boston Scientific

In October of 2009, Boston Scientific CEO Ray Elliott, warned that proposed taxes in the health care reform bill could "lead to significant job losses" for his company.  Nearly two years later, Elliott announced that the company would be cutting anywhere between 1,200 and 1,400 jobs, while simultaneously shifting investments and workers overseas - to China.


In March of 2010, medical device maker Medtronic warned that Obamacare taxes could result in a reduction of precisely 1,000 jobs.  That plan became reality when the company cut 500 positions over the summer, with another 500 set for the end of 2013.  


A short list of other companies facing future layoffs at the hands of Obamacare:

  • Smith & Nephew - 770 layoffs
  • Abbott Labs - 700 layoffs
  • Covidien - 595 layoffs
  • Kinetic Concepts - 427 layoffs
  • St. Jude Medical - 300 layoffs
  • Hill Rom - 200 layoffs

Beyond the complete elimination of a significant number of American jobs is another looming problem created by the health care law - a shift from full-time to part-time workers.

Sean Hackbarth of Free Enterprise explains:

A JP Morgan economist "points out that 8.3 million people are working in part-time jobs even though they'd prefer full-time work. Unfortunately, because of President Obama’s health care law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), workers in the hotel, restaurant, and retail industries could be pushed into part-time jobs working less than 30 hours per week."

"Under the health care law, if a company has more than 50 “full time equivalent” workers, a combination of full and part-time employees, but doesn’t offer “affordable” coverage that meets the government’s minimum value standard, the company will have to pay a penalty. This penalty is determined by the number of full-time employees minus 30 full-time employees. So to reiterate a very important point: part-time workers are not part of the penalty formula. The health care law creates a perverse incentive to hire part-time versus full-time workers."

Tangible examples of Obamacare causing a reduction in full-time workers:

Darden Restaurants

According to the Orlando Sentinel, Darden Restaurants, a casual dining chain best known for their Red Lobster, Olive Garden and LongHorn Steakhouse restaurants, is "experimenting with limiting the hours of some of its workers to avoid health care requirements under the Affordable Care Act when they take effect in 2014".

JANCOA Janitorial Services

The CEO of JANCOA, Mary Miller, testified to Congress that Obamacare was a "dream killer", adding that one option she had to consider "is reducing the majority of my team members to part-time employment in order to reduce the amount that I will be penalized."


The American retailer in Cincinnati, Ohio recently was reported to be planning a significant slashing of their hourly workers.  Doug Ross writes:

Operative Faith (a mid-level manager with the company) reveals that Kroger will soon join the ranks of Darden Restaurants and slash the hours of its non-exempt (hourly) workers to avoid millions in Obamacare penalties.

According to the source, Obamacare could result in tens of thousands of Kroger employees being limited to working 28 hours per week.


This is by no means, meant to be an exhaustive list.  But it is meant to provide examples of real companies, real jobs, and real names, soon to be added to the growing list of employment casualties provided by the inevitable implementation of Obamacare.

Last night, America voted for four more years of President Obama and his destructive economic and health care policies.  By extension, America last night voted their approval of the aforementioned layoffs and overall work reduction.

Now we must accept the inevitable.  Welcome to mourning in America.

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Frederick.Smith.x's picture
Erick SmithYou forgot to mention: Boeing, Lockheed Martin and other defense contractors!
6 days 10 hours ago
ranny.lane's picture
Ranny LaneWe have no one to blame but the assholes that voted for the spear chucker..
6 days 31 min ago
willshaker's picture
willshakerRanny - I'm as angry and frustrated as the next guy, trust me, but let's not sink to their level. I agree with where the blame lies, but the racist comment is childish at best and unnecessary.
5 days 23 hours ago
Mark Matis's picture
Mark MatisVery well said, Ranny Lane! It is WELL past time to start calling a small pointed shovel a small pointed shovel.
5 days 20 hours ago
phyl1943's picture
Phyllis BoyseErick Smith, you mention Lockheed-Martin. Well now the big layoff comes they said would happen, and o'blamer told them to wait until after the election to make the announcement which they didn't, but they are going to lay off 123,000 workers. And this obamacare will make it even more critical that they do. So sad, but at least I voted Red.
5 days 20 hours ago
sharon.c.hicks2's picture
Sharon HicksWe own a small business and we have 100 employees, we will lay off many and put many on part time status due to this. Ironically many of our employees voted for the man who will put them out of a job.
5 days 18 hours ago
AirForceMom_Va's picture
JoAnn Phelps@ Sharon can't fix stupid. Liberals think Obama is king and as long as they have their king, gay marriage and abortion rights then all's right with the world. Wonder when/if they will ever come to their senses?
5 days 14 hours ago
tonia.addison's picture
Tonia Addison-HallRacist comments don't help anyone. Being mad and upset people can say things they don't mean and I really hope it wasn't meant that way for real. It's time we all remember we are ALL AMERICANS. UNITED we are strong. DIVIDED, as we are right now, we fall.
5 days 14 hours ago
Jim Ixtian's picture
Jim IxtianThanks but no thanks Tonia. I want a divorce. Irreconcilable differences...
4 days 21 hours ago
Reba37's picture
Rachel BurlyTruly it is time to grow up..really! The racist remarks are disgusting and have nothing to do with the issue at hand..every time you make ignorant statements like this it gives ammo to those who want to keep saying Obama is only disliked because he is half African American..when that isn't's because he has made poor decisions..but then again show me a perfect president!..I had to pick..and I chose Obama..had to pick the lesser of the 2 evils! Sorry but Romney has been caught up in so many lies..his stories inconsistent..and some of his views were similar to obamas!..I don't need a dishonest president that is saying all he can just to please us..I really feel all of these prejudice individuals need to move to another country since u hate ur president so much.
4 days 20 hours ago
don.formers's picture
Don FormersDon't worry you will see millions of new entrepreneurs over the next few years they will elect to be their own bosses a "SKI MASK and a 45". I guarantee when I sit on a jury I will abandon my conservative views if the plaintiff is a libtard and so should all conservatives. Give the libtards what they wanted, remember you can't pick and choose, give them a taste of their disease of liberalism. SET ANY AND ALL FREE.. I WILL....
4 days 18 hours ago
USApatriette's picture
Lynne WallaceIsn't there an administrator who monitors racist comments? Ranny should be removed and banned from participating in this forum of civil discourse. Well said, Willshaker.
4 days 18 hours ago
jbeckton's picture
Jesse Beckton@Rachel Burly Did Rachel actually just say "I don't need a dishonest president" and I could have sworn she said "Romney has been caught up in so many lies" then "I chose Obama." My guess is that she believes that Obama does not lie or deceive the American people, or at least has not been caught at it? My fellow conservative Americans, here is exactly the problem. This country is filled to the rim with brainwashed ignoramuses like this. Trying to fix this country or return it to it's former glory is futile... It's not gonna happen! For every liberal you get to agree with this cause the Dems will replace with 10 illegals and give them amnesty in exchange for their support for this Socialist movement. I think it's time to divide the country in half or thirds or 50ths. Let the libs have their part and the conservatives can have theirs. All this bickering and fighting about who is right and who is wrong is not getting us anywhere. Lets divide this piece of land up so I can live with like minded people, the Libs can have their Socialist society and run it into the ground if they want.
4 days 16 hours ago
kathy.jenkinsroberts's picture
Kathy Jenkins RobertsRachel - No, you didn't HAVE TO pick the lesser of 2 evils. There were other choices. And you didn't HAVE TO pick at all either. No one says you HAVE TO vote. Jesse - When our country was started, it was small - population-wise and even land-wise. That's why it worked. So you're right. It's gotten too big to work right anymore. It needs to be divided up into many smaller countries.
4 days 16 hours ago
linuxjunkie's picture
Neil GunterI find it interesting that the Ranny Lane character barely has a profile. I doubt it seriously he's a real person. Correct me if I'm wrong...
4 days 14 hours ago
gman68137's picture
Gary SYup, bubba...keep those racists comments coming. The Republican party needs to get even smaller and irrelevant.
4 days 12 hours ago
bettywhite's picture
betty whiteSo, I need to ask a question about this whole blame the "spear-chucker" thing? When you make comments like that, do you only see Obama's skin color? Or does the fact that he was raised by whites (his mom and grandparents) and his biological father did nothing for him during his life but make him 1/2 black mean anything?
3 days 16 hours ago
brad rebers's picture
brad rebersWhat about all the stupid white people who voted for him?
3 days 12 hours ago
StGeorgeinLA's picture
Keith PutmanRanny, thanks for destroying any chance that I will forward this article to my more moderate or liberal friends with your racist crap. I suspect you are a plant meant to discredit the site.
1 day 21 hours ago
StGeorgeinLA's picture
Keith PutmanIs this board moderated? That "spear chucker"-tossing plant needs to be chucked from this board.
1 day 21 hours ago
deborah.hogle's picture
Deb HogleNovember 6, 2012 is a very sad day in American history.
6 days 3 hours ago
avgwhtman's picture
Jay William WeedI have to say as I was growing up I hated most of the things my father would say to me. But now in my advanced age of 59 all that he tried to warn me about has come true this year. My father used to leave John Birch material on my bed to read, this was in 1965, and I glanced over it but never got the concept of their message as I was to smart for them. Gosh they wanted the USA out of the UN back then and warned about the loss of freedom and liberties of citizens of an socialist government...who knew? Now with the election of this communist and his cohorts it is up to us to revolt just like the founders. Screw the 47% stock up on arms, ammunition, fuel and food. I do not say this lightly as the end is near and food riots will happen. Plan for all the people you hold dear as to give them safe haven and comfort . I can't tell you when this will happen but it will. Surround yourself with like minded people you trust as always its strength in numbers.
5 days 23 hours ago
phyl1943's picture
Phyllis BoyseWhat is REALLY going to happen to us on Medicare now?????? I still don't understand the full workings of it - but then again none of congress understands it either and have yet to read it, but they passed it anyway. But see - they are not bound by obamacare - we the general public pay their medical health insurance - which is against most of us wanting to - but we have no choice.
5 days 20 hours ago
fletch63's picture
Keenan FletcherMedicare will be a thing of the past in 2-3 years now all we have to look foward to is death panels for the seniors 6-9 month wait for procedures this is socialized medicine go talk to a Canadian . “… do not think. Make the lie BIG, make it Simple, keep it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they WILL BELIEVE IT!” – Adolf Hitler Not long before we goosestep Jay is right get prepared.
5 days 20 hours ago
BrFreedomMany's picture
Bryan HortonLeaving out any comments on other matters, Jay William is correct on his thought of stocking up. It us unclear to me when or how soon one would have to rely on what they have set back, but the wise and prudent should be making provisions and be able to protect the same - of this I am certain. This is not hard to caculate. A system architected such as the direction we are now and are heading simply cannot last. All the remains to know is how bad the fall-out will be and who will be most hard hit You don't need a mathmatecial degree to see this and all the rhetoric in the world of supposed wise minds will not stop this certainty. 2-15=25 just dose not work no matter how you argue it. When you take from a smaller number to feed a larger, you end up in the negative.
4 days 22 hours ago
BrFreedomMany's picture
Bryan HortonI guess I am unable to edit my post and thought I would have a chance to preview/edit before it actually posted. Posting again to correct several grammatical issues before someone blasts me and dismisses my statements based off of some trivial issue (compared to the topic matter) such as a misspelling. Leaving out any comments on other matters, Jay William is correct on his thought of stocking up. It us unclear to me when or how soon one would have to rely on what they have set back, but the wise and prudent should be making provisions and be able to protect the same - of this I am certain. This is not hard to calculate. A system devised such as the direction we are now and are heading simply cannot last. All the remains to know is how bad the fall-out will be and who will be most hard hit You don't need a mathematical degree to see this and all the rhetoric in the world of supposed wise minds will not stop this certainty. 2-15=25 just dose not work no matter how you argue it. When you take from a smaller number to feed a larger, you end up in the negative.
4 days 22 hours ago
GiveMeAMajBreak's picture
D RichardsonThe 300+ point sell off is a beginning of bad economic news. Doom, Boom and Gloom Investor Guru spoke from Hong Kong and predicted more triple digit drops, more layoffs and more companies making the decision to do business abroad. Part time employment is about to become a fact of life. People will start to work two 28 hour jobs, if they can find them. When they used the slogan "lean forward" they really meant lean over.
4 days 21 hours ago
KellyEnglandOHara's picture
Kelly England O'HaraIt may be/sound bitter and vindictive....BUT I hope the people who got him back in office are the first to get laid off and I HOPE they really enjoy all their CHANGE as they move FORWARD to the Land of Entitlements....
5 days 18 hours ago
Bonanza12's picture
Richard HamburgThe problem is, the more that get on Entitlements of any kind (welfare, food stamps, extended unemployment, etc.) will make it much harder to get our country back. What we saw in this election is a take over of our country by lazy freeloaders who put nothing into the country but want to drain everything out. People who are more interested in a free ride than their own freedom. They think they are getting revenge on the hard working, successful person by forcing them to pay for the lazy unaccomplished ones. That is Socialism. What they fail to see is once you run out of people who pay their way (The Tax Payer), Communism is right behind. Then, all their freebies, come to a stretching halt.
5 days 16 hours ago
assassin's picture
Robert NewkirkIn response to Rachel Burly comment. I feel sorry for you since you are so blind that you cannot see that Obama is a Socialist ,Marxist and wants to tear this country appart. He has by=passed Congress over 150 times, usurped the Constitution so many times I can't remember. He has constantly lied to the American people on scandles such as Fast and Furisous, his foreign policies favor the muslims and terrorists, and he is not securing our southern boarders as to secure our national security. if your the type of person that enjoys Socialism, and Marxism do us true Americans a huge favor MOVE TO RUSSIA, CHINA, SYRIA, IRAN. I think you would be more comfortable there. Either that or expect that someday you will have a bullet put between your eyes!!!!!!
4 days 2 hours ago
jvaneffen's picture
John Van EffenI'm one of those other defense contractors. I work for BAE Systems and have yet to see that pink slip that according to law should have come out on Nov 2. There are several contractors that were "told" by the administration that they would cover their legal fees to just hold off on those notices and basically screw their loyal employees. I'm so happy I could sh*^*
5 days 13 hours ago
jandcbinkerd's picture
jandcbinkerdAnd this is what the socialists (aka liberals) on FB are saying in regard to the economy and layoffs. It's Bushs fault. :(. Conservatives are terrible with defense. So it has done me no good to post the layoff news. They always have a come back. We need knew tactics
5 days 4 hours ago
shelby.sumpter's picture
Shelby SumpterHere is what they left out.... This tells the story, why Bush was so bad at the end of his term. Some people aren't aware of all of this. Don't just skim over this, please read it slowly and let it sink in. If in doubt, check it out. The day the democrats took over was not January 22nd 2009, it was actually January 3, 2007... the day the Democrats took over the House of Representatives and the Senate, at the very start of ......the 110th Congress. The Democrat Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995. For those who are listening to the liberals propagating the fallacy that everything is "Bush's Fault", think about this: January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the Congress. At the time: The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77 The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5% The Unemployment rate was 4.6% George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB GROWTH Remember the day... January 3rd, 2007 was the day that Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee. The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part of the economy? BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES! Unemployment... to this CRISIS by (among MANY other things) dumping 5-6 TRILLION Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac FIASCOES! Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001 because it was financially risky for the US economy. And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac? OBAMA And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie? OBAMA and the Democrat Congress So when someone tries to blame Bush.. REMEMBER JANUARY 3rd, 2007.... THE DAY THE DEMOCRATS TOOK OVER!" Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress, and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democrat Party. Furthermore, the Democrats controlled the budget process for 2008 & 2009 as well as 2010 & 2011. In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases. For 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the 2009 budgets. And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete 2009. If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself. In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is "I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th."
4 days 22 hours ago
richie.beazley's picture
Richie BeazleyWell said !!!
4 days 17 hours ago
ObamaWorks's picture
ObamaWorksI am so happy that Obama won. Especially for dick heads like Ranny Lane. It is ok to have a difference of opinion but to make remarks like that are uncalled for. If you shake your family tree you might be surprised.
5 days 3 hours ago
Young Conservative's picture
Young ConservativeI'm just curious, how does "Obama Work"? $16+ trillion in debt, 7.9% unemployment (and who knows now with this Obamacare), 49 million on food stamps, 50% of recent college unable to find jobs, and gas prices that are through the is that working for you? It just doesn't add up. America lost its chance for real leadership, because let's face it. When Obama isn't trying to "fundamentally transform" the United States (which is means to change this country's very basics), he's out having a good old time golfing and having parties with Jay-Z and Beyonce. That's working hard, isn't it? Give me a break...
5 days 2 hours ago
AEK's picture
Alan KerObama's golfing and partying with Beyonce? Sounds like fun! So what're you complaining about? After all, he's the President and his salary, and 'perks' such as free food, transportation, housing and entertainment are paid for by you and taxpayers in general. Now get back to work so he can get his fair share of your redistributed earnings.
4 days 18 hours ago
crash.froelich's picture
Crash FroelichThe impacts of the AHA are going to depress economic activity, the impacts of allowing the current tax rates to expire are going to depress economic activity, the enforcement of phony greenhouse gas regulations is going to depress economic activity, the Sequestration is going to depress economic activity, current Dodd-Frank banking requlations are depressing economic activity, the national debt is depressing economic activity, the burgeoning expense of entitlement/welfare payments is depressing economic activity, and on and on. Every day the dollar is worth less and so is my retirement account. Obama tells me the best is yet to come. Does that mean the AHA rationing board is going to insure my remaining lifespan is sufficiently short to avoid the personal financial disaster for me that's looming on the horizon? Gee, thanks, Barry.
5 days 1 hour ago
jharvey.whitehead's picture
J Harvey WhiteheadHmmm... who knew? The gov can tax and regulate the heck out of business and entrepreneurs, but the gov cannot make 'em employ folks. The gov cannot prevent 'em from shipping jobs to more friendly locales. The gov cannot prevent 'em from closing plants or shutting down altogether. Has Atlas shrugged?
5 days 58 min ago
lynn.m.davis.9's picture
Lynn DavisI've talked to numerous local small businesses and found that several are handing on by their teeth, one to close for sure. I find this sad that after 50+ years, family small businesses will have to either cut employees or close. Socialism at its best. What I find is the hardest to comprehend, is the amount of hatred from the left and those that support this regime. I personally hate no one. It's not worth my time and energy- there are many I pity, dislike and/or choose not to interact with. Mind you, that does not mean I will not defend myself either. Praying we can survive the next 4 years and still have a country that resembles the one that he took over in 2008...
5 days 43 min ago
mark.rubin.980's picture
Mark RubinDont get me wrong by what I am about to say. I'm conservative and share in the sentiment that we gotr a big fiscal problem and a federal governemt out of control. But one problem I see with the GOP is that they seem to say all the time that the American people are smart. That they will understand. Well the truth is the American people are either stupid or selfishly ignorant. We need leadership that can express the consequenses of our economic ruin in simple and very frieghtening terms so even the dumbest among us has a chance to grasp the issue. As for compromise...sure if the other side is willing to back off and not jump off the bridge. But you do not compromise on double suicide. You have got to convince the other not to jump and do not agree to jump with them. That is dumb compromise.
5 days 22 min ago
davepool's picture
Dave PoolMark Rubin - I agree with you completely about the American people being stupid or selfishly ignorant and want to add to that list lazy. When re-entering college my disappointment in the American people was disheartening because my classmates had no idea how to do simple math, write a paper, or discipline to learn because it took effort. My question was why were they in college courses and how did they get there? That was when I truely started worrying about the future of our country. Now many years later my worry is the reality. How do you explain to people that refuse to put forth the effort to learn that big government, raising taxes, and entitlements take away from the economy, hurt business, and reduce jobs? How can the people be convinced that the santa claus government that answers every problem with a handout will end with implosion? America was not built on the people looking to the government to fix their personal problems. America was built on hard working, long-suffering, God fearing people that worked for every penny earned, were grateful for what they have, and had no expectation of being given anything that wasn't earned. I have two sons in the military that are both multi-war veterans, husbands, and fathers. I couldn't be more proud of them. My prayers are that the country they are fighting for will still be recognizable, offering the successful rewards of hard work and determination when their children are grown.
4 days 22 hours ago
Deanne LockwoodI agree with Willshaker, well said. The Patriots that I worked with during Tea Parties and other planning were ALL ethnicities. I'm tired of one or two RACIST people speaking on behalf of all Conservatives. You just give credence to The Liberal Media that all conservatives are racist. They actually don't make it up, they just find the ones who are and highlight them. I'm glad the libs are facing their pay day so quickly though I bet they will lie and fudge the numbers again.
5 days 17 min ago
StGeorgeinLA's picture
Keith PutmanSo, true. I still suspect he's a plant.
1 day 21 hours ago
itango's picture
steve hansmeyerWhere was this artical last week (before the election)?
5 days 13 min ago
davepool's picture
Dave PoolGood question.
4 days 21 hours ago
jackfisherjr's picture
Jack FisherWhat Happened on Tuesday was simple, I call it the Alexis de Tocqueville effect. “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.” ― Alexis de Tocqueville Last night we passed the tipping point. I actually have hope for this country. Just as Obama had to tell the american people that the jobs were not as shovel ready as he thought. There will come a day (soon) when he will have to look at those people on the public dole and say I know I promised it, but there is no more money for you, we have run out of other peoples money to give you. Then it will be the democrats that will be vilanized as people realize that what the liberals have been doing for decades is simply a shell game. The game will stop when their lies are laid bare and they are exposed, socialism has and will never work as a sustainable for of governance. You will always run out of other peoples money to spend. The sad part is that the people who voted for him, the ones addicted to the public trough, are the ones who will fall the farthest and the hardest with no one to blame other than themselves and the democratic party for living under an illusion. And they will be despised by future generations for their greed and the massive debt that it will leave behind. Obama will preside over the crash of our economy and he will not be able to blame bush, it will all be on his shoulders and he will crumble under that weight.
5 days 4 min ago
tinkerjenn's picture
Jenna McCoyThe people voted for Bread and circuses. Robert A. Heinlein wrote about this very thing in several of his novels. He was quite prophetic.
4 days 21 hours ago
AmberP's picture
Amber PenkszykWell said Jack!
4 days 21 hours ago
JamesRobinson's picture
James RobinsonI employ over 400 employees in the Reading PA area. I just communicated to my HR Manager that all medical benefits will cease at our renewal date of 12/15/123 and not to entertain a renewal offer from the inurance company. In addition on Feb 20th, 2013 I have just today informed my staff that I plan on laying off 100 individuals to pay for the taxes, increased costs, and other funds I will have to spend due to Obama's proposed policies, Obamacare, and new regulations. As PA and the Reading area voted overwhelmingly for Obama, all I have to say is watch what you wish for, you might get it! PS: If I catch any crap, or see damage or vandilisim to my property, I will gladly close up shop, lay off everyone, and move to a right to work state in the south.
4 days 23 hours ago