President Obama Makes History – Offers Lowest Number of Offshore Lease Sales EVER
Rates worse than even President Jimmy Carter

WASHINGTON, D.C., July 18, 2012 - The non-partisan Congressional Research Service this week released a new report comparing President Obama's offshore drilling lease plan for 2012-2017 with previous plans offered over the last 30 years by prior Administrations. As the chart below shows, the 15 lease sales in President Obama's new plan represent the lowest number of lease sales ever offered in a plan since the process began in 1980.

The impacts of President Obama's anti-offshore drilling policies haven't been limited to just his new plan. The Obama Administration has also delayed and cancelled several lease sales – conducting only 11 out of the 21 originally scheduled sales in the previous 2007-2012 lease plan.

Despite his rhetoric of supporting an all-of-the-above energy plan, President Obama’s actions show that he has consistently blocked access to American energy resources. During times of record-high gasoline prices, President Obama is offering a plan that keeps 85 percent of our offshore areas off-limits to energy production and will go down in history as the President who has done the least to support offshore American energy production and American jobs.


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Contact: Jill Strait, Spencer Pederson or Crystal Feldman 202-226-9019