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U.S. Government Kids Pages

A listing of popular federal kids pages


Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office


CIA’s Homepage for Kids

Learn more about the Central Intelligence Agency, information and games for K-12


FBI Kids Page

Learn more about the Federal Bureau of Investigation, information and games for K-5


Department of Transportation’s Civil Rights for Kids Page

Facts and Fiction, Fun and Games about the Department of Transportation


NASA Kid’s Club

Fun games and tips from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration


FEMA for Kids

Learn how to be prepared and prevent disasters, play games, read stories and become a Disaster Action Kid with the Federal Emergency Management Act.



The Official Kids Portal for the U.S. Government


Kids in the House Information Resources

Educational and entertaining information about the legislative branch of the U.S. Government, provided by the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives


Other U.S. Government Kids pages

A complete listing of government kids pages