
Recently Added

  1. Draghi Effect

    The calming effect of European Central Bank President, Mario Draghi, on global financial markets. When the Draghi effect is at play, yields on bonds of embattled European nations, such ...
  2. Compliance Registered Options Principal - CROP

    A supervisory and compliance position that FINRA required of options trading firms until June 2008. The CROP had to be one of the firm's officers or general partners and was ...

  3. Inventory Write-Off

    An accounting term for the formal recognition that a portion of a company's inventory no longer has value. An inventory write-off may be handled in the company's books by charging it to ...
  4. Contract Logistics

    The outsourcing of resource management tasks to a third-party company. Contract logistics companies handle activities such as designing and planning supply chains, designing facilities, ...
  5. Unlimited Bond Purchase

    A program undertaken by the European Central Bank in October 2012 under its president, Mario Draghi, to buy large quantities of government bonds from financially struggling eurozone ...

  6. Gross Working Capital

    The sum of all of a company's current assets (assets that are convertible to cash within a year or less). Gross working capital includes assets such as cash, checking and savings ...

  7. Reverse Gold ETF

    Exchange traded funds that are designed to trade in a direction that is diametrically opposite to gold bullion. Reverse gold ETFs, or inverse gold ETFs as they are better known, are ...
  8. Convexity Adjustment

    The change required to be made to a forward interest rate or yield to get the expected future interest rate or yield. Convexity adjustment refers to the difference between the forward ...

  9. Range Forward Contract

    A zero-cost currency forward contract that uses a range of exchange rates rather than a single rate. A range forward contract is constructed so that it provides full protection ...
  10. Other Comprehensive Basis of Accounting - OCBOA

    Financial statements prepared using a system of accounting that differs from GAAP, the most common being tax-basis and cash-basis financial statements. Other Comprehensive Basis of ...
  11. Reclamation

    The right to reclaim property in the event of non-payment, fraud or other irregularities. Reclamation in the financial context generally refers to the right to demand a repayment of ...
  12. National Market System Plan - NMSP

    A nationwide system used in the United States for the selection and reservation of securities symbols, and also for the collection, processing and distribution of quotation and ...
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