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Rangel on SANDY: Updates & Resources

Rangel on SANDY: Updates & Resources

November 7, 2012

Rangel on SANDY: Updates & Resources

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2013 Medicare Open Enrollment: Oct 15- Dec 7

2013 Medicare Open Enrollment: Oct 15- Dec 7

October 15, 2012

Rangel Urges Medicare Recipients To Enroll For 2013

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Rangel Honored At Uni Haiti Gala For His Efforts To Rebuild Haiti

Rangel Honored At Uni Haiti Gala For His Efforts To Rebuild Haiti

November 16, 2012

"I am thankful to receive this recognition for my work on behalf of the Haitian people, who have maintained a special place in my heart over a number of decades, I strongly believe that American must continue to lead an aggressive, coordinated effort to aid Haiti's ongoing recovery."

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Apply for Rangel Fellowship Program

Apply for Rangel Fellowship Program

October 9, 2012

“I'm very proud of the outstanding young students who are in or have completed the Rangel Fellowship program. Their backgrounds truly reflect what America looks like and I'm glad the world is able to see the beautiful mosaic that comprises our nation's diversity."

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Rangel: Republicans Just Don't Get It

“Republicans just don't get it. Americans have spoken loud and clear on Election Day: They want us to support President Barack Obama's balanced approach to reducing the deficit without hurting American families."


Rangel Honors Military Families

"military families uphold the principles and values that help build our communities and make this country great. We value their contributions and the sacrifice they make every day. We must expand support to these families and ensure access to the resources that they need."


Rangel: Working Together Towards An AIDS-Free Generation

"World AIDS Day is a time to highlight the progress we have made and outline the work that has to be done to achieve AIDS-free generations in the future. This year's theme for World's AIDS Day is "Working Together for an AIDS-Free Generation."

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Fiscal Cliff Fact Sheet -- Clinton-Era Top Rates Tried, Tested and Fair

Here's a look at the Impact of changing tax expenditures on housing market, health care, charities, state budgets and deficit reduction unknown and should be evaluated through tax reform, not lame duck:Revenue Impact: Ending Upper Income Tax Cuts •    Ending...


Guest Blog: Addie Mae Collins & Head Start Program

The following blog/article was written by Diane Collier, Addie Mae Collins Board Member- Community Relations and Vice Chair Community Board 11-East Harlem in recognition of National Head Start Month:For 47 years, Addie Mae Collins has been serving low income East...


Fighting For Equal Pay For Equal Work

Democrats in Congress and President Obama have worked to ensure equal pay for equal work. We believe that equal pay for equal work is about basic fairness: Paying women less than men for doing the same work is not just...


Nearly 60 Years After Armistice, Korean War Hasn't Ended

Fifty-nine years after the United States and the United Nations signed an armistice agreement with North Korea and China to end the three-year-old Korean War, all the parties to the war are still technically at war.


Silent Treatment for NYPD

Thousands of protesters marched in silence through Manhattan on Sunday in an effort to end the New York Police Department's "stop-and-frisk" policy, which they claim disproportionately affects young black and Latino men.


Silent march to protest NYPD's "stop-and-frisk" policy

Several thousand New Yorkers marched silently down Manhattan's Fifth Avenue from lower Harlem to the mayor's Upper East Side townhouse on Sunday to protest the New York Police Department's contentious stop-and-frisk policy.

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Failing Our Troops

In the United States, suicide has become the seventh leading cause of death for men and the fifteenth for women. Every year, there are nearly a million suicide attempts. I am especially alarmed that veterans account for 20% of all suicides. Nearly eighteen veterans and one active-duty soldier take their lives each day. This is simply unacceptable.


Remove Barriers for Veterans Access to Mental Health Care

Over the past several years, suicide rates among our veterans have increased significantly, to nearly 18 each day. Many of these cases are the result of the inability of our nation’s veterans to access the care they need, when they need it. Congress has a responsibility to provide our veterans with the best medical care, which can be further expanded through access to telemedicine.


Tax Justice: Our Nation Is At Stake

"President Barack Obama recently called on Congress to extend tax breaks for America's 114 million middle-income families that make less than $250,000. The President has also proposed to let the Bush era's high-income tax cuts expire at the end of this year and use the resulting $1 trillion in savings over 10 years as part of a balanced plan to reduce deficits and debt and put the nation in the right direction towards shoring up our national budget."

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