Bluefield Daily Telegraph, Bluefield, WV


  • 1169237_23463978.jpg How animals spread diseases to us

    Studies have shown that about 75 percent of emerging infectious diseases are of animal origin, as are 60 percent of all known pathogens.

    December 5, 2012 1 Photo

  • FILM CHICAGO4.jpg How an experimental film changed the way we see Chicago

    Perhaps no American city appreciates being at the center of the universe more than Chicago. Workmanlike and down-to-earth the majority of their days, Chicagoans savor those moments when all roads lead to the prairieland.

    December 5, 2012 1 Photo

  • 880737_86187705.jpg What's going on in the brain of a cheater?

    America does love a good sex scandal, almost as much as the British do, and the Petraeus, um, affair has been an especially juicy one. It's been so complicated, in that reality-show kind of way, that we need charts depicting who's connected to whom.

    November 29, 2012 1 Photo

  • CRIME BLOTTER28.jpg Why handsome criminals seldom show up on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted

    Ever since the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list was created in 1950, many have assumed that the list contains the worst of the worst — that it's something like a power ranking for crooks. But a weird-looking fugitive is more likely to make the list than a criminal without distinctive marks.

    November 29, 2012 1 Photo

  • DOWN SYNDROME28.jpg Loving a child on the fringe

    If you'd told me five years ago that I was soon to bear a disabled child with blood cancer — for whom I'd have to surrender, possibly forever, career and love life — I'd have contemplated suicide.

    November 29, 2012 1 Photo

  • 1260787_20061053.jpg Slate: Protecting kids online

    Recently, a 15-year-old named Kylie tweeted her suicidal thoughts, and a Twitter account called @KillYourselfKylie tweeted back a series of ugly responses.

    November 27, 2012 1 Photo

  • BIGFOOT23.jpg Slate: It's time to put a lid on the bigfoot research

    Jeff Meldrum wants to search for Bigfoot by using a remote-controlled blimp. Because when you're looking for a mythical creature famous for eluding all who search for it, a giant, buzzing, looming balloon is clearly the way to go.

    November 26, 2012 1 Photo

  • iStock_000018587436XSmall.jpg Slate: Macy's parade contributes to loss of helium supplies

    For Americans, the third Thursday in November can mean lots of things, usually some combination of food, family, and football. But before all that, there's the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

    November 23, 2012 1 Photo

  • 455596_95352020.jpg Slate: The neglected economics of trying to find a job you enjoy

    Everyone knows that money aside, it's better to have a job you love than a job you hate.

    November 23, 2012 1 Photo

  • nook-tablet.jpg Slate: What not to buy on Black Friday

    For several years, I've cautioned readers to spend the Friday after Thanksgiving doing something much more productive with their time-like, say, writing emails to your favorite four-star general. Still, I always like to help out folks who simply can't resist the siren call of a good bargain.

    November 23, 2012 1 Photo

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