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Employee Rights Center

Welcome to FindLaw's Employee Rights Center. Here you will find information and resources to help if you or a loved one are involved in an employment dispute, experiencing a job loss, or in need of assistance with an employee-related legal matter. This section also provides in-depth informatin on all phases of the employment process -- from hiring to termination -- and detailed advice on hiring an employment lawyer.

Learn About Employees' Rights

  • Overview - Basic information on employment law and your rights as an employee.

  • The Hiring Process - Legal guidelines for the interview and hiring process.

  • Wages & Benefits - Information on pay and benefits, including the minimum wage, overtime, health benefits, pensions, and more.

  • Family & Medical Leave - Information on your rights under this federal law.

  • Discrimination & Harassment - Information on your rights to be free from discrimination and harassment in the workplace.
  • Losing a Job: Your Rights - Information and resources if you lose your job, including filing wrongful termination claims.

  • More Topics - Information on workplace health and safety, employee privacy, unions, and more.

  • Hire an Employment Lawyer - Information on why you need an employment lawyer, what to look for, and questions to ask, including employment lawyer fees and costs.

  • Get Help Now - Quick access to lawyers and related information.

  • Resources - Links to state labor laws, agencies, and other resources.
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