Fiscal Year 2012 Budget

The Path to Prosperity: Restoring America's Promise

House Budget Committee - Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Resolution

Read Full Report

Key Facts & Summary

A Contrast in Budgets

Setting the Record Straight

The current path - which the President's irresponsible budget commits us to - will result in a debt-fueled economic crisis, the shredding of the safety net, and a diminished future. Americans deserve better than empty promises from a government going broke. The budget advanced by the House Budget Committee ensures real security through real reform. The House Budget Committee's FY2012 Budget Resolution helps spur job creation today, stops spending money the government doesn't have, and lifts the crushing burden of debt. This plan puts the budget on the path to balance and the economy on the path to prosperity.

ECONOMIC GROWTH AND JOB CREATION: Fosters a better environment for private-sector job creation by lifting debt-fueled uncertainty and advancing pro-growth tax reforms.

SPENDING CUTS AND CONTROLS: Stops Washington from spending money it does not have on government programs that do not work. Locks in spending cuts with spending controls.

REAL SECURITY: Fulfills the mission of health and retirement security for all Americans by making the tough decisions necessary to save critical health and retirement programs.

PATIENT-CENTERED HEALTH CARE: Repeals and defunds the President's health care law, advancing instead common-sense solutions focused on lowering costs, expanding access and protecting the doctor-patient relationship.

RESTORING AMERICA'S EXCEPTIONAL PROMISE: Tackles the existential threat posed by rapidly growing government and debt, applying the nation's timeless principles to this generation's greatest challenge. Ensures that the next generation inherits a stronger, more prosperous America.


Path to Prosperity

Efficient, Effective and Responsible Government

Strengthening the Social Safety Net

Fulfilling the Mission of Health and Retirement Security for All Americans

Pro-Growth Tax Reform


The FY2012 Budget Resolution:

The Report on the FY2012 Budget Resolution (Report 112-58)

FY2012 Budget Resolution (H. Con. Res. 34) - Final Legislative Text

Summary Tables

CBO long-term analysis

Final Amendments

Fiscal Year 2012 Committee Votes

A Pro-Growth Budget - The Center for Data Analysis at the Heritage Foundation

Additional Information:

A Budget Presentation - Charts

Building on Success of Fiscal Commission

Archbishop Dolan Dialogue

'Moment of Truth' by David Brooks, New York Times

In Case You Missed It




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  • Setting the Record Straight
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