IP solutions with a higher IQ

To capitalize on your ideas, you need intellectual property solutions that are as brilliant as your innovation. We work to understand your needs, then apply our exclusive InnovationQ tools and resources to help you publish, aggregate, analyze, and monetize your intellectual property. Ask us how.



Discover the unexpected in our unique collections of technical non-patent literature and patents using our proprietary Semantic Gist search engine.



Secure your innovation in the Prior Art Database.



Engage our subject matter experts to deliver superior intellectual property research and analytics.



Leverage and monetize your IP assets with our solutions for universities and corporations.

Why working with us might be your smartest idea yet:

Smarter Searches.

Our Semantic Gist engine searches based on concepts, not keywords. Get the Gist.

Smarter People.

Our researchers and analysts are scientists and engineers. Meet Us.

Smarter Solutions.

We know your industry and design solutions for your specific IP challenges. See how.