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Statement of U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert on September Jobs Report

          Washington, DC– U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13th) today issued the following statement after the U.S. Department of Labor reported no improvement in the national unemployment rate at 9.1 percent in September:

           “Month after month, the unemployment numbers remain grim, but the tactics coming from the White House never seem to change.  Washington needs to put people before politics, cut the debt, and provide for job creators certainty against new taxes and harsh regulations.  Stimulus spending and campaign-style rhetoric won’t do it.  Washington must to put jobs first.

           “Next week, we have an opportunity to make a major bipartisan breakthrough on three job-creating trade pacts that will level the playing field for U.S. goods and services and create hundreds of thousands of jobs for Americans.  The President has indicated his support, and I’m hopeful that Senate leaders will work with us to ensure swift passage of these agreements.”

