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Biggert Secures $10 Million More for Firefighters: Funds will allow departments to acquire equipment, train personnel

           Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13th) announced today that she has secured an additional $10 million for the Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) program during the Homeland Security Department appropriations process for fiscal year 2010.  Biggert’s request was included in the Manager’s amendment to HR 2892, which passed late Wednesday night by a vote of 345-85.


           “I’m pleased that the Appropriations Committee felt, as I did, that the Assistance to Firefighters Grants program needed additional funding,” said Biggert, a member of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus.  “These tough economic times have made it more difficult for fire departments to replace outdated equipment and keep staff fully trained in the most modern firefighting techniques. The AFG program helps departments address these needs.”


           Funding for the AFG program had been cut by 70% in President Obama’s proposed budget and Rep. Biggert sought to restore some of that funding for this vital program.


           “Dwindling tax revenues are having an adverse effect on fire departments, but we’re keeping our head above water thanks to AFG and Congresswoman Biggert, who really understands our concerns and is always there for us,” said Carl Churulo, Chief of the Lemont Fire Protection District.  “AFG enables all fire services to make purchases that we might not otherwise be able to afford; 85% of our budget goes to salaries and benefits so AFG really helps.”
           “While the Administration requested more resources for a program that helps fire departments hire additional personnel, their funding request for AFG was absolutely inadequate,” said Biggert.  “It makes no sense to increase funding for hiring more firefighters while cutting essential programs that help pay for training and equipment.”


