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Biggert Resolution Highlights Hardships of Runaway Youth

           Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13th) today secured House passage of a resolution supporting runaway prevention efforts and recognizing November as National Runaway Prevention Month.  Introduced by Biggert in September, H. Res 1687 is part of a national campaign to raise awareness of the circumstances and needs of runaway and homeless youth.  It also expresses support for the efforts of organizations serving at-risk children, including the Chicago-based National Runaway Switchboard (NRS), the National Network for Youth, and local organizations like DuPage Public Action to Deliver Shelter (PADS) and NCO Youth & Family Services.

           “Nearly 3 million children from every background run away from home each year, and that number continues to grow, especially during difficult economic times,” said Biggert, Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Missing, Exploited and Runaway Children.  “Even here in DuPage, Will and southern Cook Counties, we have homeless children that often go unnoticed by the community at-large.  Many of these young people are trying to escape abusive or traumatic situations, only to end up living in even more dangerous circumstances.  This resolution is designed to raise awareness of the needs of runaway youth.  National Runaway Prevention Month also is an opportunity to recognize organizations that are working every day to give these young people a safe home and a brighter future.”

           Biggert said there is still much work to be done to reduce the prevalence of runaways in Illinois and around the country.  According to NRS, nearly 7,500 calls from Illinois families in crisis were placed to the National Runaway Switchboard help hotline last year.  

           “We support H. Res 1687 to provide the much-needed prevention services for runaway youth,” said Carol Simler, Executive Director of DuPage PADS.  “If these much-needed prevention services are not provided now, this high risk population will become our nation’s future -- a future that will cost taxpayers in costly major public systems – shelters, emergency rooms, prisons, and even hospitals.  Investing now in prevention will give hope to our future.”

           The resolution passed by voice vote.  Prior to passage, Biggert urged her colleagues on the House floor to join the Caucus on Missing, Exploited and Runaway Children to help play a role in preventing runaway and homelessness among young adults through other legislative initiatives.  Among Biggert’s top priorities is her Educational Success for Children and Youth Without Homes (ESCYWH), which is designed to keep homeless kids in school and provide schools with greater resources and flexibility to meet the needs of homeless youth. 
