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Biggert Reminds DuPage Residents of Housing Aid Lottery

DuPage Housing Authority Opens Rare Sign-Up for Housing Help

           Willowbrook, IL – U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13) today reminded DuPage residents that on Wednesday, September 15th at 9 am, the DuPage Housing Authority (DHA) will begin accepting applications for the county’s rental housing assistance program.  The Housing Choice Voucher/Section 8 Rental Assistance Program provides low-income households with vouchers to help cover the cost of rent, with preference granted to persons with disabilities, the elderly, veterans, victims of domestic violence, families with minor children, and other targeted groups.  Preference also is given to those who currently live or work in communities served by the DHA.

            “It’s been nearly a decade since the waiting list for new voucher recipients has been open, and for many local families struggling in this economy, this is an opportunity we don’t want them to miss,” said Biggert, a senior member of the House Financial Services Committee, which oversees the Section 8 Program.  “In higher-cost areas like the suburbs, this program can be the key to keeping a roof over a struggling family, especially those challenged with disabilities or escaping violence.  Starting Wednesday, local residents will be able to apply online, and the application only takes about ten minutes.”

           The program, which serves households at or below 50% of the area’s median income -- $26,300 for an individual or $37,550 for a family of four -- provides several hundred dollars in assistance per bedroom, as needed per family.  Those who meet the income and other eligibility requirements will be entered into a lottery, from which 2,500 households will be selected for the waiting list to receive monthly rental assistance.  The waiting list will be administered over the next five years, with the first available vouchers going to targeted households, such as veterans, listed at http://dupagehousing.org and those with the earliest date of application.  The application period, which opens Wednesday, will end at 5 pm on September 30, 2010.

           “The DuPage Housing Authority expects to receive as many as 50,000 applications, and preference is given to those who apply first, so it is important that if you have a neighbor or loved one who needs assistance, have them look into it right away,” said Biggert.  “For those without access to a computer, my office in Willowbrook stands ready to help you fill out the application, or feel free to call us with questions at (630) 655-2052.  To access the application or for a list of other public computer stations, visit http://dupagehousing.org or call the DuPage Housing Authority at (630) 690-3555.”

            Section 8 is the primary federal program aimed at helping very-low income families find affordable housing in the private market.  The voucher program was established in the 1970’s as an alternative to project-style housing such as the Cabrini-Green and Robert Taylor Homes in Chicago.  Biggert is a lead cosponsor of H.R. 3045, the Section 8 Voucher Reform Act of 2009, which would increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the Housing Choice Voucher Program.  She is also the sponsor of H.R. 46, the Family Self-Sufficiency Act of 2009, which expands programs that offer Section 8 recipients with homeownership counseling, job training, child care, education, and other services designed to help disadvantaged individuals gain independence from public assistance.  H.R. 46 passed the House on April 29, 2009 and waits approval in the Senate. 
