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Biggert Hosts Senior Town Hall

           Willowbrook, IL -- U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-13th-IL) today hosted a town hall meeting with seniors at the Lake Hinsdale Village Senior Community to discuss her efforts to safeguard, improve, and strengthen Social Security and Medicare for current and future retirees.  She issued the following statement:

           “I’ve always believed that a promise made is a promise kept.  And I have no intention of letting the federal government break its promise on Social Security and Medicare.

           “We have to face facts.  Without action, Social Security is expected to go bankrupt by 2036 and Medicare by 2024.  We can’t continue to expect systems created decades ago to work the same way in 2012 and beyond.  And with more than 10,000 baby boomers reaching retirement every day, we must take steps now so current and future retirees don't face drastic and harmful cuts in as few as ten years.

           “This week, House Republican Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-1st-WI) introduced the House Republican Path to Prosperity Budget Proposal, which would preserve Medicare and Social Security for the next generation of seniors without altering the carefully-laid retirement plans of current seniors.  For those 55 years or younger, the House budget expands on traditional health care choices to harness the power of competition, drive down costs, and improve care.”

           “As a senior myself, I think it’s shameful that Democrats are resorting to scare tactics to spread election-time lies about the future of Medicare and Social Security.  Even more disappointing, the President has denied the problem and failed to offer any plan to save Medicare.  Instead, his health overhaul law actually cuts Medicare by $500 billion.

           “For the fiscal future of our children and grandchildren, we must set aside election-year games and find bipartisan solutions in Washington.”
