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The Democratic Majority has Failed America Tax Relief, Federal Spending, and National Security Priorities Still Left Unaddressed by the Majority

WASHINGTON, D.C. – From failing our soldiers fighting the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan to failing tens of millions of middle class Americans, the Democratic leaders in the United States House of Representatives have failed America.

Today Congressman Michael McCaul of Texas strongly urged the Democratic leaders to stop playing politics and trying to appease the left wing of its party and work with Republicans to put American families first.

"Democrats can’t seem to do the right thing in the House," stated Congressman Michael McCaul. He went on to say, "American families continue to feel the pinch of the rising costs of living, while Congress continues to ignore the issues Americans care about most. What’s most concerning is how little the Democrats have actually done this year."

Congress still has a year’s worth of priorities to tackle in the two weeks before Christmas. This comes after wasting 11 months playing politics, tying our military leader’s hands all while our troops remain in harm’s way in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Democratic leaders in the House have also left millions of middle class Americans without safety from the Alternative Minimum Tax and thus, possibly stuck having to pay billions in taxes.

It is time to complete work on key economic and national security priorities. The laundry list of unfinished congressional business is long and includes legislation to fund our troops and veterans without political gimmicks, fiscally-responsible spending bills which keep America on track to balance the budget without raising taxes, protecting 23 million taxpayers from the onerous Alternative Minimum Tax, and making the Protect America Act permanent to keep our country safe.

"Unfortunately, with all of this important work still left unfinished, not one of these priorities has made its way onto the House schedule this week. This Congress already has made its mark as one of the most-politicized and least-accomplished in history. If the Majority hopes to salvage the remaining weeks of the legislative year, it’s time for the Democratic leadership to finally reach out to Republicans and work in a bipartisan way to address these priorities on behalf of the American people," stated McCaul.

Congressman McCaul and his fellow Republicans continue offering common sense legislation which benefits the middle class, secures America’s borders, cuts taxes and make those cuts permanent and funds America’s troops in Iraq and Afghanistan without strings attached.