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McCaul Demands Immediate Action on Border

McCaul Demands Immediate Action on Border
Questions Napolitano, CBP on Drones, Remote Camera Systems 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – With the war involving drug cartels once again escalating along the U.S.-Mexico border, Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX 10) urged the Department of Homeland Security to reprioritize the installation of long-delayed security measures, some of which are part of SBInet, a program that has been plagued with cost overruns and delays.

“She said ‘I want to take a timeout and review this situation, assess SBInet’, Rep. McCaul said during today’s subcommittee hearing, of his conversation with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.  “We can’t afford any more timeouts.  2008, then 2013, then we were told the earliest this could be completed is 2016.  Meanwhile, there’s a war going on.  There are people being killed and it’s going to spill over into this country.  It’s a security threat not only to Mexico but a national security threat to the United States.”

Congressman McCaul’s latest appeal for increased border security comes after increased violence from drug cartels against U.S. Consulate workers and their families in Juarez

Video is available from today’s hearing on three topics: 

Some SBInet cameras are working so why the further delays?

How do we expedite security?

Reiterates Gov. Perry’s request for more drones (Unmanned Aircraft Systems)