Citizen Science

Citizen Science

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Invaders of Texas is a statewide partnership to manage non-native invasive plants and pests in Texas that includes state and federal agencies, conservation organizations, green industry, academia and other private and public stakeholders who share in the common goal of protecting Texas from the threat of invasive species.

Because this is no small endeavor has established a citizen science program called Invaders of Texas. Volunteers participating in the program are trained to detect the arrival and dispersal of invasive species in their own local areas. That information is delivered into a statewide mapping database and to those who can do something about it.

The Invaders of Texas Program supports the creation and perpetuation of a network of local citizen scientist teams who seek out and report outbreaks of selected environmentally and economically harmful invasive species. These teams, coordinated by the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center, contribute important data to local and national resource managers who will, in turn, coordinate appropriate responses to control the spread of unwanted invaders.

Project Details

  • PRINCIPAL SCIENTIST: Damon Waitt, Senior Botanist
  • SCIENTIST AFFILIATION: Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center
  • DATES: Ongoing
  • LOCATION: Texas
  • PROJECT TYPE: Observation
  • COST: Less than $20
  • GRADE LEVEL: All Ages

    There are two options. The first is to join a Satellite Group by attending a scheduled Invaders of Texas Citizen Scientist Workshop. The workshops include classroom training about invasive species, GPS use, digital photography and reporting observations. As an alternative, citizen scientists may complete an Online Training Program.

See more projects in TexasLess than $20ObservationAll Ages.


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What is Citizen Science?

Research often involves teams of scientists collaborating across continents. Now, using the power of the Internet, non-specialists are participating, too. Citizen Science falls into many categories. A pioneering project was SETI@Home, which has harnessed the idle computing time of millions of participants in the search for extraterrestrial life. Citizen scientists also act as volunteer classifiers of heavenly objects, such as in Galaxy Zoo. They make observations of the natural world, as in The Great Sunflower Project. And they even solve puzzles to design proteins, such as FoldIt. We'll add projects regularly—and please tell us about others you like as well.


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