HASC Republicans

HASC Republicans


The House Armed Services Committee Republicans; Twitter feed of the latest committee news and updates

Washington, DC · http://armedservices.house.gov/

McKeon: "The regime’s actions highlight the importance of the US deploying a capable national missile defense program"

The brave men and women who help defend our country deserve the respect and certainty to adequately prepare for their future.

Streaming in 3mins - DOD Plans for Sequestration: The Sequestration Transparency Act of 2012 Report and the Way Forward

Streaming at 10 AM - DOD Plans for Sequestration: The Sequestration Transparency Act of 2012 Report and the Way Forward

Hearing this morning on F-22 pilot physiological issues Streaming live and on CSPAN this morning at 10AM.

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

Baliteke Twitter gainezka egotea edo momentuko arazotxo bat izatea. Saiatu berriro edo bisitatu Twitterren egoera informazio gehiagorako.