A THOMAS Time Capsule

Christine and I received a memo from Pam dated January 10, 1995, on the original THOMAS launch.  It was so fascinating to read that we thought we should share it.  We also found the original press release online. SUBJECT: Legislative Information on the Internet (“THOMAS”) Here is a copy of a handout on the new legislative information system …

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Teaching with the Raw Materials of the Law: Primary Sources and the Legislative Process

The following guest post by Stephen Wesson, an Educational Resource Specialist at the Library of Congress.  It is cross posted on the Teaching with the Library of Congress blog. For those of us at the Library of Congress who work with K-12 teachers, a crucial part of our work is promoting the effective instructional use of primary …

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Talking About THOMAS at the National Book Festival – Pic of the Week

We had a great time at the National Book Festival this past weekend talking with visitors about how the Law Library can help people connect with Congress, including through THOMAS. We handed out lots of gavel pencils as souvenirs! Andrew gave a presentation in the Library of Congress tent on Saturday about “THOMAS Takeaways for …

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Getting Ready for the National Book Festival – Pic of the Week

I took a walk last night down to the National Mall to see how the set-up for the National Book Festival was going. As Andrew mentioned yesterday, we will be there to talk with visitors about how we can help people connect with Congress, including THOMAS. The tent in the foreground is where we will …

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Legislative Status Steps – Pic of the Week

Sometimes the legislative process is a little more confusing than I’m Just a Bill.  As Margaret mentioned in The Curious History of the 2011 Debt Ceiling Legislation earlier this week, sometimes the legislative process takes interesting turns.  Christine also blogged about the unique situation of vehicle bills.  The poster below details the various status steps …

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The Curious History of the 2011 Debt Ceiling Legislation

The following is a guest post by Margaret Wood, a Legal Reference Specialist in the Public Services Division. When the House of Representatives agreed to increase the debt ceiling limit on Monday, August 1, 2011, the roll call vote posted by the Clerk of the House linked to S. 365, a bill then titled “To …

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