Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Many inventions come from a desire to solve a problem.  In the business world, those problems often concern improving the way a business runs.  A previous post centered on finding a way to make multiple copies of documents cheaper and faster. Today’s post celebrates the anniversary of patent number 221,360, issued on November 4, 1879, …

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Happy 51st Birthday to the Xerox 914

Today’s post is from business reference librarian Ellen Terrell. I will admit that sometimes I can’t conceive of a time when copiers were not part of the landscape, but before 1960 that was very much the case.  So the fact that the Xerox 914 was unveiled on September 16, 1959 marks a milestone, if a …

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Happy Birthday Mr. Bell!

Alexander Graham Bell, a successful business man, scientist, innovator and engineer was born on this date in 1847. In 1876, at the age of 29, Alexander was awarded the first U.S. patent for the telephone (patent # 174,465). Soon afterward in 1877 he formed the Bell Telephone Company. With the financial success of the telephone, …

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