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GOP proposing own health reforms

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Republicans are proposing their own health care reforms in a House resolution called the "Improving Health Care for All Americans Act."

U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul is a cosponsor of the resolution.

Under the act, said McCaul:

* Americans can keep employer-provided care without changes.

* It will not tax your employer-sponsored plan to pay for a government-run system.

* Allows Americans who don’t have employer-sponsored care or those not satisfied with their employer-sponsored plan to buy their own plan on the same tax-advantaged basis their employer enjoys.

* Americans who pay income taxes get a dollar for dollar reduction in their tax bill up to $2,500 for individuals and $5,000 per family.

* Americans who don’t pay income taxes get the same amount from the government to buy a policy of their choice.

* Reduces the cost and improves the quality of health care while expanding access and portability.

* Pools businesses or groups to lower costs by allowing churches, alumni associations, trade associations and other civic groups to set up new insurance pools and offer affordable health care packages for their members.

* Choosing from "group plans" will make health care more affordable and portable while not locking individuals into keeping a job to keep their health coverage.

* People with re-existing and chronic conditions will be able to buy coverage at competitive rates through high-risk pools and reinsurance mechanisms