This date in history: 16th Amendment

16th Amendment

Today, in 1913, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was certified by the Secretary of State, Philander C. Knox, and was officially put into effect.

Initially passed by Congress on July 2, 1909 it took until February 3, 1913 for it to be ratified by the required number of states (three-fourths or 36 of the 48 states).

This is commonly believed to be the origin of the income tax on individuals, but the history goes back to the Civil War. The reference guide, History of the US Income Tax, provides the background and a glimpse of the very first tax form.

One Comment

  1. Doc
    February 9, 2011 at 12:28 pm

    It was never radified in 1909 as was the law they waited till 1913 so more states were involved.

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