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Oct 10, 2012 | WASHINGTON POST

Miller and Burr call for removal of VA chief of staff

The top Republicans on the House and Senate veterans affairs committees called for the removal of the Department of Veterans Affairs chief of staff Tuesday in the wake of an inspector general’s report last week sharply critical of VA spending at two training conferences last year.


Watchdog: Hill leaders demand ouster of VA's chief of staff

Top Congressional Republicans demanded the ouster of the highest-ranking Veterans Affairs official implicated in the scandal over runaway conference spending

Oct 10, 2012 | MILITARY TIMES

Lawmakers: Fire VA chief who OK’d conferences

Two Republican lawmakers are calling for the dismissal of a senior Veterans Affairs Department administrator who approved conferences at which more than $760,000 in VA funds were spent on lavish extras such as a $49,516 parody video and promotional items totaling $112,823.


Congress: VA official should be sacked for wasteful Orlando conferences that featured ‘Patton’ video

Two top Republicans in Congress want the Obama administration to fire a high-ranking official with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for not doing more to prevent wasteful spending at two training conferences in Orlando that cost an estimated $6.1 million.

Oct 10, 2012 | MILITARY.COM

Lawmakers: Fire VA Chief of Staff Over Conferences

The chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee and ranking member of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee have called for the removal of the Department of Veterans Affairs chief of staff for leadership failures related to reckless spending on VA training programs.
