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Miller: “Questions Must Be Answered”

Jan 23, 2012 Issues: Health Care, Veterans

Today, Rep. Jeff Miller, Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, issued the following statement on the upcoming Full Committee hearing, “Examining VA’s Pharmaceutical Prime Vendor Contract:”

“In the past few months, questions have been raised about the Department of Veterans Affairs’ pharmaceutical purchases. Allegations have been made regarding off-contract purchases, safety, and contracting issues. The Committee plans to investigate this matter fully.

“To that end, we will hold a hearing on February 1, to ensure that the government’s contracting laws have been upheld, that veterans’ prescriptions are safe and effective, and that taxpayer’s dollars have been spent wisely and in accordance with the law.

“We are interested in quantifiable facts, not anecdotes. Our utmost concern is that our veterans are protected and that no wrong doing has been committed in the purchasing of pharmaceuticals that are vital to securing the health of those the VA serves. I will ask these difficult questions and these questions must be answered. The Committee looks forward to having a frank and open conversation with VA on this matter.”