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CWT Program Helps Wounded Veterans Adjust to Civilian Employment

Dec 14, 2011 Issues: Education, Veterans

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held an oversight hearing entitled, “Is it Working: Reviewing VA’s Compensated Work Therapy Program.” The hearing focused on the successes of VA’s Compensated Work Therapy Program as well as identifying areas for improvement and evaluating if VA is applying a consistent approach in preparing veterans in the program for employment.

Subcommittee Chairman Bill Johnson stressed the importance of the Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) for veterans in today’s economic climate, “In a time of high unemployment, especially among veterans, we all must make every effort to match qualified workers with suitable jobs.  The CWT program does just that, matching disabled veterans with employers.”

Chairman Johnson also dubbed CWT a “win-win” when run correctly, citing the CWT program in Bedford, Massachusetts.

The CWT program in Bedford is one of the most successful in the country, having partnered with over 15 community businesses. Chairman Johnson noted this program should be the model for others to emulate, “In communities across the country, businesses benefit from having qualified workers add to productivity, and the veterans benefit from being employed.” 

Some CWT programs, however, are not meeting the standards needed to be successful. “It’s not good enough merely to have well-intentioned programs. We need effective ones that consistently deliver results and improve the lives of our veterans,” said Johnson.