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National Adoption Month
Posted by Randy | November 22, 2011
There are thousands of families across our nation who have made a lasting difference in the lives of children in need. They have done so through the process of adoption.

This month is National Adoption Month, and this past weekend, on November 19th, we celebrated National Adoption Day. This time allows us to promote awareness of adoption and of children in the foster care system, and to celebrate those families and children involved in adoption.

I have cosponsored H.Res. 433 to support the goals and ideals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month, recognizing that every child in foster care deserves a permanent and loving family and encouraging U.S. citizens to consider the adoption of children in foster care.

We express our thanks to those families who have participated in the process of adoption.
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  • Thomas G commented on 11/22/2011
    As millions of children and even their parents are plunged into the quickly growing ranks of those living in poverty, it is disheartening when thousands upon thousands of Americans are protesting in the streets while the wealthy in this country have done astonishing well without any evidence whatsoever that the Bush tax cuts delivered for our economy. That is because they were flawed from the outset as the record clearly shows now. So it would seem that our representatives in the congress would want to respond to the overwhelming plea from across the economic spectrum to raise taxes on millionaires and billionaires so that we can restore the American dream for all. Unfortunately congressman, your refusal to even consider a 1 penny increase in the tax of millionaires and billionaires and your resistence to financial industry reforms remains troubling. With support for congress at historical lows, with 91% dissatisfied with the job that you are doing, I would urge you to act to empower the middle class instead of working so hard every day to destroy us all.
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